LibreOffice 24.8 Help
Kutaan itti aanu matduroota gargaarsa baafatoota fi qaaqootaaf oolan tarreessa.
Foddaan galmee of keessatti qabate ati irratti hojjechuu barbaaddu akka ajajoota baafataa fayyadamuuf filatamuu qaba. Haaluma walfakkatuun, ajajoota baafataa wanta waliin firooman fayyadamuuf wanta galmee keessaa filachuu qabda.
Baafatawwan rifachisaa halqalaati. Kana jechuun maalimootni baafataa kun hojii amma hojjetamaa jiruuf faayidaa qabeessa ta'anii jiraatu. Yoo qareen barruu keessatti iddeeffame, maalimootni baafataa barruu gulaaluuf fayyadan hundi ni jiraatu. Yoo galmee keessaa saxaatoo filatteetta ta'e, maalimoota baafataa saxaatoo gulaaluuf fayyadan hunda agarta.
Opens the File menu.
These commands apply to the current document, create a document, open an existing document, or close the application.
These commands apply to the current spreadsheet, create a spreadsheet, open an existing spreadsheet, or close the application.
These commands apply to the current presentation, create a presentation, open an existing presentation, or close the application.
This menu contains general commands for working with Draw documents, such as create, open, close and print. To close LibreOffice Draw, click Exit.
This menu contains commands to control the on-screen display of the document, change the user interface and access the sidebar panels.
Bafatii kun, ajajawwan isa miseensa haaraa galmee keessatti fakkeenyaaf, saxaatoo, wantawwan, arfiilee addaa fi faayiliiwwan kabiroo saaguuf fayyadu of keessaa qaba.
Contains spelling tools, redact options, mail merge wizard, macros, development tools, extension manager, as well as tools for configuring and customizing menus, and setting program preferences.
The Tools menu contains commands to check spelling, to trace sheet references, to find mistakes and to define scenarios, as well as tools for configuring menus, and setting program preferences.
Contains spelling tools, media player, color replacer, presentation minimizer and tools for configuring menus, and setting program preferences.
This menu provides tools for LibreOffice Draw as well as access to language and system settings.