LibreOffice 25.2 Help
Kanneen itti aanana keessaa tokko hojadhu:
Choose CommandCtrl while you drag. The mouse pointer changes to a plus sign. You can also drag a copy of a slide into another open LibreOffice Impress document.
, select one or more slides, and then drag the slides to another location. To select multiple slides, hold down shift and click on the slides. To create a copy of a selected slide, hold downMul'annoo - Toorii fili, islaayidii fili, kana booda islaayidiicha gara iddoo birootti harkiisi.
Choose View - Normal or Notes, select the slide preview on the Slides Pane, and then drag the slide preview to another location.
Islaayidii yeroodhaaf pirezanteeshiinii keetirraa haquuf, gara Fooyaa Islaayidiitti demi, islaayidi mirga-cuqaasi, kana booda, Islaayidii Mul'isi/Dhoksi fili. Lkkoofsi islaayidii dhookatee ni qaxxamurama. Islaayidii mul'isuuf, islaayidii mirga-cuqaasi, kana booda Islaayidii Mul'isi/Dhoksi fili.