


Kamshaa Saagi bakka wantoota ida'uu dandeessu banaa gabatee dabalachuun, wardii fi fakkiiwwan, galmee keetiif.


Inserts a slide after the currently selected slide.

Icon New slide

New Slide

Goodayyaa Bololi'aa

Goodayyaa bololi'aa galmee ammee keessatti saaga. Goodayyaawwan bololi'aan qabeentoota faayilii biroo agarsiisuuf galmeewwan HTML keessatti fayyadu. Gooayyaawwan bololi'aan Naanneessaa 4.x. tiin hin deeggaramne.

Icon Floating frame

Gooddayyaa Bololi'aa

Insert /Objects from File

Faayiloota hunda yookiin maalimoota faayilicha keessaa saaguuf si gargaara.

Icon Insert Slide from File

Insert Table

Inserts a new table into the current .

Icon Insert Table


Faayilii irraa

Opens a file selection dialog to insert an image into the current document.

Icon Image


Audio or Video

Inserts a video or audio file into your document.

Icon Media

Media / Audio or Video


Formula Object

Inserts a formula into the current document.

Icon Insert Formula Object

Insert Formula Object


Icon Chart


Wanta OLE

Insert OLE Object

Inserts an OLE object into the current document. The OLE object is inserted as a link or an embedded object.

Icon OLE object

Wanta OLE

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