LibreOffice 24.8 Help
Galtee Dirqaala kessaa qindaa`iina sochii fakkinaa barruu galtee ammaaf murtessa.
Specifies how multiple paragraphs are animated:
Akka wanta tokkottiin - kewwatootnii hundinuu akka wanta tokkottii fakkaafamuu.
Kewwatoota hunda altokkottii - kewwatootnii hundii altokkottii fakkafamu danda`u, garuu galteewwan garagaraa qabaatu.
Kewwatoota sadarkaa tokkofaatiin - kewwatootnii sadarkaa tokkofaa, ciita kewwatoota dabalatee, duraa duubaan fakkeffamuu qabu.
If "Group text - By 1st level paragraphs" is selected, the paragraphs are animated one after the other.
Enter an additional delay in seconds to animate subsequent paragraphs.
Deselect this box to animate only the text, not the shape.
Animates the paragraphs in reverse order.