
Galtee haraa qaaqa Galtee Dirqaaloota keessaaf qinda`inaafi guddinna murtessa.


Galteewwan tokko tokkoof qinda`inii Galtee cancala fuula irrattii murteffamuu danda`a.


Specifies the direction for the effect.

Jalqabii gulinsaa

Saffissa suuta suuttaan dabaluu gara jalqabicha galtettiiakka ramaduu dirqaala kana dandeessissa.

Maayyii gulinsaa

Saffissa suuta sutaan hir`atu gara maayyii galteettii akka ramadu galtee kana dandeessisa.


Galtee haraaf guddina murttessa.

Enhanced Animation Effects Dialog


Select a sound from the Gallery or select one of the special entries.

Qabduu sagalee

Faayilii sagalichaa filatammee taphachissa.

Sochii fakkinaan booda

Select a color to be shown after the animation ends, or select another after-effect from the list:

Hallu golgolessi

Select the dim color.

Barruu sochii fakkinaa

Select the animation mode for the text of the current shape:

Turriinsa arfiiwwan gidduu

Specifies the percentage of delay between animations of words or letters.

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