LibreOffice 25.2 Help
Akkaataa walindhaaleen gara maddaalee deetaatti pooled ta'an qindeessa.
The Connections facility allows you to stipulate that connections that are no longer needed are not deleted immediately, but are kept free for a certain period of time. If a new connection to the data source is needed in that period, the free connection can be used for this purpose.
Akka walindhaaleen filataman pooled ta'an ifteessa.
Tarree ooftuuwwan qindaa'ee fi deetaa walindhaa mul'isa.
Ooftuun ammee filatame jala tarreetti mul'ata.
Ooftuu tarree keessaa filadhuutii sanduuqa Ooftuu kanaaf pooling dandeessisi walindhaa isaa pool gochuuf mallattoo itti godhi.
Yeroo sekoondii walindhaan pooled itti bilisa ta'u qindeessa. Yeroon jidduu sekondiilee 30 fi 3600 ta'uu danda'a.