Dirqaalaalee qindaa'ina afaanii

Defines the properties for additional languages.


Caancalli fuulotaJapanese keessa barbaaduu fi Teessuma Asian yoo dirqaalli gargaarsa afaan Asian fuula caancala Afaanota keessaa kaka'ee fi gongeen dhaamsaa Dirqaalaalee ammas baname qofa mul'ata. Fuulli caancala Teessuma barruu walxaxaa kan mul'atu yoo gargaarsi CTL dandeessifame qofa dha.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Choose - Languages and Locales.


Afaanota durtii fi qindaa'inoota gitoo biyyaa biroo galmeeleef qindeessa.

Gargaarsa barreessuu

Specifies the properties of the spelling, thesaurus and hyphenation.

Japanese keessa barbaachuu

Dirqaalaalee barbaachaa Japanese ifteessa.

These commands can only be accessed after you enable support for Asian languages in - Languages and Locales - General.

Teessuma Asian

Qindaa'inoota durtii typographic barruu Asian dhaaf qindeessa.

These commands can only be accessed after you enable support for Asian languages in - Languages and Locales - General.

Teessuma Barruu Walxaxaa

Galmeelee teessuma barruu walxaxaa qabaniif dirqaalaalee qindeessa.

LanguageTool Server Options

Defines the properties for the LanguageTool server.

DeepL Server Options

Defines the properties for the DeepL server.


Resets changes made to the current tab to those applicable when this dialog was opened.

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