
Afaanota durtii fi qindaa'inoota gitoo biyyaa biroo galmeeleef qindeessa.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Choose - Languages and Locales - General.

Options Language Dialog Image


Some options cannot be reset once edited. Either edit back the changes manually or click Cancel and reopen the Options dialog.


Walquunnama fayyadamaa

Afaan walquunnamaa fayyadamaatiif, fakkeenyaaf baafattoota, gongeelee dhaamsaa, faayilii gargaarsaatiif fayyadu filadhu. Yoo xiqqaate qarqabi afaanii dabalataa ijaarame tokko yookiin fooyya'a afbaay'ee LibreOffice qabaachuu qabda.

The "Default" entry selects the language of the user interface for the operating system. If this language is not available in the LibreOffice installation, the language of the LibreOffice installation is the default language.


If the language you are after is not in the list, download the corresponding language pack from the LibreOffice website.

Qindaa'ina gitoo biyyaa

Specifies the locale setting of the country setting. This influences settings for numbering, currency and units of measure.

The "Default" entry selects the locale which name is reported by the operating system.

Jijjiiramni badhee kanaa battalaan raawwata.Garuu,gitoonni muraasni kan durtiin tottolchaman yoo galmeen haaraa fe'ame qofa jijjiiramu.

Maallaqa durtii

Specifies the default currency that is used for the currency format and the currency fields. If you change the locale setting, the default currency changes automatically.

Galfatni durtii gita maallaqaa kan qindaa'ina gitoo biyyaa filatamaniif ramadamuuf raawwata.

Jijjiiramni badhee Maallaqa durtii gara galmeele banaa hundatti darbee akkasumas gara gita jijjiirama gongee dhaamsaa keessaa fi saajoo kan gita maallaqaa galmee kunneen keessatti to'antanitti tara.

Furtuu addaan baasaa deesiimaalii - Qindaa'ina gitoo biyyaan tokkuma

Akka Furtuu addaan baasaa deesiimaalii kan yeroo gita furtuu paadii lakkoofsaa irraa tuqxu sirna kee keessatti qindaa'u ifteessa.

Yoo sanduuqni dhugoomsaa kun kaka'e,qubeen "Gitoo biyyaa wajjin tokkuma" booda mul'ate yeroo furtuu paadii lakkoofsaa irraa dhiibdu saagama.Yoo sanduuqni dhugoomsaa kun hin kakaasamne,qubeen sooftweeriin ooftuu gabatee furtuu keetii kennu ni saagama.

Date acceptance patterns

Specifies the date acceptance patterns for the current locale. Calc spreadsheet and Writer table cell input needs to match locale dependent date acceptance patterns before it is recognized as a valid date.

If you type numbers and characters that correspond to the defined date acceptance patterns in a table cell, and then move the cursor outside of the cell, LibreOffice will automatically recognize and convert the input to a date, and format it according to the locale setting.

The initial pattern(s) in Date acceptance patterns are determined by the locale (set in Locale setting), but you can modify these default patterns, and add more patterns. Use ; to separate each pattern.

Patterns can be composed according to the following rules:

If you change the Locale setting, the date acceptance pattern will be reset to the new locale default, and any user-defined modifications or additions will be lost.

In addition to the explicit patterns defined in the edit box, input matching the Y-M-D pattern is implicitly recognized and converted automatically to a date. Input that starts from 1 to 31 is not interpreted with this implicit Y-M-D pattern. Since LibreOffice 3.5, this input is formatted as YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601).

For all patterns, two-digit year input is interpreted according to the setting in Tools - Options - General - Year (Two Digits).

Afaanota durtii galmeeleef

Specifies the languages for spelling, thesaurus and hyphenation.

Galmee Afaanii Filuu


To'annoon qubee kan afaan filatamee yeroo gita muraa afaanii ijaarte qofa hojjeta. Galfatni afaanii of duraa mallattoo filannoo yoo to'annoon qubee afaan kanaaf kakaasame qaba.


Specifies the language used for the spellcheck function in western alphabets.

Show UI elements for East Asian writings

Activates Asian languages support. You can now modify the corresponding Asian language settings in LibreOffice.

Yoo Chinese, Japanese yookiin Korean barreessuu barbaadde,walquunnama fayyadamaa keessatti gargaarsa afaanota kanaa kakaasuu dandeessa.


Specifies the language used for the spellcheck function in Asian alphabets.

Show UI elements for Bi-Directional writing

Activates complex text layout support. You can now modify the settings corresponding to complex text layout in LibreOffice.

Afaanota Teessuma Barruu Xaxamoo Fayyadaman

Complex text layout

Specifies the language for the complex text layout spellcheck.

Galmee ammee qofaaf

Specifies that the settings for default languages are valid only for the current document.

Gargaarsa ida'ataa afaanii

Ignore system input language

Indicates whether changes to the system input language/keyboard will be ignored. If ignored, when new text is typed that text will follow the language of the document or current paragraph, not the current system language.


Some options cannot be reset once edited. Either edit back the changes manually or click Cancel and reopen the Options dialog.

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