
The Changes dialog specifies various options for highlighting recorded changes in documents.

To record changes to your work, choose Edit - Track Changes - Record.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Open a spreadsheet document, choose - LibreOffice Calc - Changes.

Qindaa'ina halluu jijjiiramootaaf

Jijjiiramoota galmeessamaniif halluuwwan qindeessa. Yoo galfata "Barreessaadhaan" filatte, LibreOffice ufmaan halluu barreessaa jijjiiramichi raawwate irratti hundaa'uun qindeessa.


Specifies the color for changes of cell contents.


Specifies the color to highlight deletions in a document.


Specifies the color to highlight insertions in a document.

Galfatoota sochoosaman

Specifies the color to highlight moved cell contents.

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