
Defines which elements of the LibreOffice Calc main window are displayed. You can also show or hide highlighting of values in tables.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Open a spreadsheet document, choose - LibreOffice Calc - View.

Gargaarsa argaa

Sararoota kamtu akka mul'atan ifteessa.

Sararoota tarsaa

Specifies when grid lines will be displayed. Default is to display grid lines only on cells that do not have a background color. You can choose to also display grid lines on cells with background color, or to hide them. For printing, choose Format - Page Style - Sheet and mark the Grid check box.


Specifies a color for the grid lines in the current document. To see the grid line color that was saved with the document, go to - LibreOffice - Application Colors, under Scheme find the entry Spreadsheet - Grid lines and set the color to "Automatic".

Addaan baasaa fuulaa

Specifies whether to view the page breaks within a defined print area.

Helplines While Moving

Specifies whether to view guides when moving drawings, frames, graphics and other objects. These guides help you align objects.


Agarsiisa argiitiif dirqaalaalee garaagaraa filadhu.


Specifies whether to show formulas instead of results in the cells.

Gatiiwwan duwwaa

Specifies whether to show numbers with the value of 0.

Agarsiistuu yaadaa

Specifies that a small rectangle in the top right corner of the cell indicates that a comment exists. The comment will be shown only when you enable tips under LibreOffice - General in the Options dialog box.

Yaadannnoo dhaabbiin agrsiisuuf, ajaja Yaada mul'isi baafata haallee maadhee irraa filadhu.

Yaadannoo ajaja Saagi - Yaada barreessuu fi gulaaluu dandeessa. Yaadni dhaabbiin mul'atu sanduuqa yaadannoo cuqaasuun gulaalamuu danda'a. Naanna'aa cuqaasiitii galfata Yaada jalatti yaadannoo galmee ammee jala jiran hunda arguu dandeessa. Naanna'aa keessatti yaada lamcuqaasuudhaan, qareen gita maadhee yaada qabatuutti utaala.

Formula indicator and hint

Draws a blue triangle in the bottom-left corner of a cell that contains a formula. When pointing over the blue triangle, the formula is shown in a tool tip even if a different cell is selected.

Gatii shooluu

Mark the Value highlighting box to show the cell contents in different colors, depending on type. Text cells are formatted in black, formulas in green, number cells in blue, and protected cells are shown with light grey background, no matter how their display is formatted.


Yeroo ajajni kun kaka'e, halluuwwan galmee keessatti ramadaman kamiyyuu amma dalagaan kaka'a ala ta'utti hin mul'atan.


Specifies whether the anchor icon is displayed when an inserted object, such as a graphic, is selected.

Irra baha barruu

If a cell contains text that is wider than the width of the cell, the text is displayed over empty neighboring cells in the same row. If there is no empty neighboring cell, a small triangle at the cell border indicates that the text continues.

Wabiilee halluun agarsiisi

Specifies that each reference is highlighted in color in the formula. The cell range is also enclosed by a colored border as soon as the cell containing the reference is selected for editing.


Waantota garee waantaa hanga sadiitti qaban akka mul'atan yookiin dhokatan qindeessa.


Defines if objects and graphics are shown or hidden.


Defines if charts in your document are shown or hidden.

Waantota fakkisaa

Defines if drawing objects in your document are shown or hidden.


Wardiiwwan walsimsiisi

Yoo mirkanaa'e, wardiin hundi faaktoorii guddisuu walfakkaatuun agarsiifamu. Yoo hin mirkanoofne, tokkoon tokkoo wardii guddisuu faaktoorii mataa ofii qabu.


Akka miseensonni gargaarsaa hangi tokko gabatee keessatti mul'atan yookiin dhiisan ifteessa.

Mataduree sarjaa/tarree

Specifies whether to display row and column headers.

Marfata kabala tarree

Specifies whether to display a horizontal scrollbar at the bottom of the document window.

Marfata kabala sarjoo

Specifies whether to display a vertical scrollbar at the right of the document window.

Wardii caancalootaa

Specifies whether to display the sheet tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet document. If this box is not checked, you will only be able to switch between the sheets through the .

Toorii mallattoolee

If you have defined an , the Outline symbols option specifies whether to view the outline symbols at the border of the sheet.

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