
Specifies compatibility settings for text documents. These options help in fine-tuning LibreOffice when importing Microsoft Word documents.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Open a text document, choose - LibreOffice Writer - Compatibility.


Dirqaalaaleen muraasni asitti qindaa'an galmee ammee qofaaf hojjetu,kanaafuu tokkoon tokkoo galmeetiif qofaa qindaa'uu qaba.

Add spacing between paragraphs and tables

In LibreOffice Writer, paragraph spacing is defined differently than in Microsoft Word documents. If you have defined spacing between two paragraphs or tables, spacing is also added in the corresponding Word documents.

Specifies whether to add Microsoft Word-compatible spacing between paragraphs and tables in LibreOffice Writer text documents.

Add paragraph and table spacing at top of first page and page breaks

Specifies whether paragraph spacing at the top of a page will also be effective at the beginning of a page or column if the paragraph is positioned on the first page of the document. The same applies for a page break.


If you import a Word document, the spaces are automatically added during the conversion.

Use OpenOffice.org 1.1 tab stop formatting

Specifies how to align text at tab stops beyond the right margin, how to handle decimal tab stops, and how to handle tab stops close to a line break. If this check box is not selected, tab stops are handled in the same way as in other Office applications.

Barreessaa fooyyaa'aa ammeetiin yoo barruun galmee kee uumame, caancalli dhaabii durtiin fayyadama. Galmee barruun Barreessaan fooyyaa'aa inni StarOffice 8 ykn OpenOffice.org 2.0 duraa, caancalli dhaabii ture ni fayyada.

Sararaalee barruu jidduutti iddoo duraa(dabalataa) hin dabalin

Akka sararaalee barruu jidduutti iddoon duraa (dabalataa) hin dabalamin,yoo bocquun fayyadamnu amala dabalataa duraa qabateeyyuu ifteessa.

Barreessaa fooyyaa'aa ammeetiin yoo barruun galmee kee uumame, caancalli dhaabii durtiin fayyadama. Galmee barruun Barreessaan fooyyaa'aa inni StarOffice 8 ykn OpenOffice.org 2.0 duraa, dursaan dabalataa hin fayyadu.

Use OpenOffice.org 1.1 line spacing

Dirqaalli kun cufaa yoo ta'e, adeemsi haaraa sararoota barruu tottolchaaf gita iddoo sararaa wajjin raawwata. Dirqaalli kun banaa yoo ta'e, adeemsi duraa sararoota barruu tottolchaaf gita iddoo sararaa wajjin raawwata.

Galmee barruu keessatti kan fooyyaa'aa Barreessaa fi galmee Maayikiroosooftii Word isa haaraa amma keessatti, adeemsi haaraan ni fayyada. Galmee barruu Barreessan dura StarOffice 8 ykn OpenOffice.org 2.0 uumameef, adeemsi duraa ni fayyada.

Jala maadhee gabateetti keeyyataa fi gabateetti iddoo dabali

Akka iddoon jala keeyyatatti, yoo keeyyatichi maadhee gabatee keessatti isa dhumaa ta'eyyuu dabalamu ifteessa.

If the option is off, table cells will be formatted as in Writer versions prior to StarOffice 8 or OpenOffice.org 2.0. If the option is on, an alternative method of formatting table cells will be applied. The option is on by default for new documents created with LibreOffice and for documents imported from Microsoft Word format.

Use OpenOffice.org 1.1 object positioning

Akkaataa qubannoo waantota bololi'anii kan qubeetti yookiin keeyyatatti kallattii jalaa fi gubbaa iddoo keeyyataatti hidhaman ifteessa.

Yoo dirqaalli banaa ta'e, waantonni baloli'an akka fooyya'oota LibreOffice kan PRODUCTVERSION dursan keesssaatti qubatu. Yoo dirqaalli cufaa ta'e, waantonni baloli'an mala filmaataa kan Microsoft Word wajjin walfakkaatutti fayyadamuun qubatu.

The option will be set to off for new documents. For Writer documents created by a version prior to OpenOffice.org 2.0 the option is on.

Marsaa barruu naannawa waantotaa StarOffice 6.0/7 fayyadami

Microsoft Word and Writer have different approaches on wrapping text around floating screen objects. Floating screen object are Writer frames and drawing objects, and the objects 'text box', 'graphic', 'frame', 'picture' etc. in Microsoft Word.

In Microsoft Word and in current versions of Writer, page header/footer content and footnote/endnote content does not wrap around floating screen objects. Text body content wraps around floating screen objects which are anchored in the page header.

Fooyyaa'aa Barreessaa isa StarOffice 8 ykn OpenOffice.org 2.0 duraa keessatti, faallaan dhugaadha.

Yoo dirqaalli cufaa ta'e, kan qindaa'ina durtii ta'e, marsaa barruu haaraatu raawwata. Yoo dirqaalli banaa ta'e, marsaa barruu duraaniitu raawwata.

Yeroo waantota qubachiistu haalata marsaa yaada keessa galchi

Akkamitti akka wantootni bolooli'oon baay'ee walxaxaa ta'an arfiilee ykn keeyyata irrati akka korkoddaayee ifteessa. Fooyyaa'aa Barreessaa isa StarOffice 8 ykn OpenOffice.org 2. duraa keessatti, adeemsi irra deddeebi'aan ni fayyada, innis adeemsa Maayikiroosooftii waliin wal fakkaata.

Yoo dirqaalli cufaa ta'e, adeemsi deddeebii waanta qubachiisuu LibreOffice ni fayyada. Yoo dirqaalli banaa ta'e, adeemsi kallattii walsimannaa galmeelee Microsoft Word wajjinii mirkaneessuuf gargaara.

Justify lines with a manual line break in justified paragraphs

Yoo dandeessifame, Barreessaan iddoo jechoota jidduutti, sararaalee kan Shift+Enter dhaan dhuman keeyyattoota walqixxaatan keessatti dabala.

Qindaa'inni kun durtiidhaan galmeelee barruu .odt tiif banaa dha. Galmee gita galmee barruu .odt dhaan olkaa'amuu fi fe'amuu danda'a. Qindaa'inni kun galmeelee barruu dullacha .sxw dhaan olkaa'amuu hin danda'u, kanaafuu qindaa'inni kun galmeelee barruu .sxw dhaaf cufaa dha.

Tolerate white lines that may appear in PDF page backgrounds

Use LibreOffice 4.3 anchoring paint order and tolerate white lines that may appear in PDF page backgrounds created from legacy documents.

Akka durtiitti fayyadami

Click to use the current settings on this tab page as the default for further sessions with LibreOffice.

Durtiin warshaa akka armaan gadiitti qindaa'a. Kan dandeessifaman dirqaalaalee armaan gadii yoo ta'an, dirqaalaaleen biroo marti hin dandeessifamne:

  1. Add spacing between paragraphs and tables

  2. Add paragraph and table spacing at tops of pages

  3. Jala maadhee gabateetti keeyyataa fi gabateetti iddoo dabali

  4. Iddoo jechaa sarara addaan baasaa harkaanii qabu irraa keeyyattoota jidduun qixaa'an babal'isi

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