Application Colors

Halluuwwan walquunnama fayyadamaa LibreOffice qindeessa. Qindaa'inoota ammee akka gurmoo halluutti olkaa'eessee booda fe'uu dandeessa.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Choose - LibreOffice - Application Colors.

Gaheenya LibreOffice

Gurmoo halluu

Gurmoolee halluu olkaa'uu fi balleessuu.


Gurmoo halluu fayyadamuu barbaaddu fila.


Qindaa'inoota ammee akka gurmoo halluutti kan booda lam fe'uu dandeessu olkaa'a. The name is added to the Scheme box.

Maqaa gurmoo halluu

Gurmoo halluuf maqaa galchi.


Gurmoo halluu sanduuqa Gurmoo keessatti agarsiifame balleessa. Gurmoo durtii balleessuu hin dandeessu.

Custom Colors

Maamiloota walquunnama fayyadamaatiif halluuwwan filadhu.

To apply a color to a user interface element, ensure that the box in front of the name is checked. To hide a user interface element, clear the check box.

Sajoo Yaaddannoo

Some user interface elements cannot be hidden.

Sajoo Yaaddannoo

To enhance cursor visibility, set the application background color between 40% and 60% gray, it is automatically changed to 40% gray.

Qindaa'inni halluu Ufmaan maamila walquunnama fayyadamaa gara halluu ammee gurmoo halluutti jijjiira.

Qindaa'inootni halluu "Hidhaawwan daaw'ataman" fi "Hidhaawwan hin daaw'atamne" galmeelee erga qindaa'inootni raawwatanii booda uumaman irratti raawwata.

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