Kabala Deetaa Gabatee

Mul'annoo deetichaa too'achuuf, Kabala Deetaa Gabatichaa fayyadami.

Mul'annoon deeticha gingilchamee, hamma ati fooyinsicha ykn ulaagaalee gingilchaa jijjiirtuti yk dhiistuuti ka'ee tura. Yoo gingilchaan ka'aa tahe, sajoon Gingilchaa Fayyadami kabala Deetaa Gabatee irraa nika'aa.

Skuusaa kaa'i

Saves the current database table record. The Save Record icon is found on the Table Data bar.


Galmee Olkaa'i

Deetaa Gulaali

Turns the edit mode for the current database table on or off.


Deetaa Gulaali


Reverses the last command or the last entry you typed. To select the command that you want to reverse, click the arrow next to the Undo icon on the Standard bar.


Gaabbi: Naqa Deetaa

Kuusaa Barbaadi

In forms or database tables, you can search through data fields, list boxes, and check boxes for specific values.

Find Record Icon

Kuusaa Barbaadi


Deetaa mul'ataa haaromsa. Qeeyyaa fayyadamoo hedduu, deetaa ammee jiaachuu isaa mirkaneessu haaromsa.

Icon Refresh


Tartiiba Fooyi

Ulaagaalee fooyinsa deetaa mul'isu ifteessa.

Sort Order Icon

Tartiba Fo'i

Olee Fooyi

Text fields are sorted alphabetically, numerical fields are sorted by number.

Icon Sort Ascending

Olee Fooyi

Gadee Fooyi

Text fields are sorted alphabetically, number fields are sorted by number.

Icon Sort Descending

Gadee Fooyi


Kuusaalee gingilchaa, qabeentaa dirree deetaa ammee irratti bu'ureeffate.

Icon AutoFilter


Gingilchaa fayyadami

Gabatee mul'annoo gingilchamee fi hin gingilchamne gidduu jiru jijjiira.

Icon Form Filter

Gingilchaa fayyadami

Gingilchaa Durtii

Filannoo gigichuu akka qindeessitu hayyama..



Reset Filter/Sorting

Qindoomina gingilcha dhaamsa akkasumas kuusaawwan mara gabatee ammee keessaa mul'isa.


Reset Filter/Sorting

Deetaa gara Barruu

Dirreewwan mara kan kuusa mallattaa'ee, galmee ammaa bakka qubannoo qaree keessatti saaga.


Deetaa gara Barruu

Deetaa gara dirreewwanii

Updates the contents of the existing database fields by the marked records. The Data to Fields icon is only available if the current document is a text document.


Deetaa dirreewwanitti

Makiinsa Ergannoo

Starts the Mail Merge Wizard to create form letters.


Makiinsa Ergannoo

Madda Deetaa Galmee Ammee

Displays, in the data source browser, the table that is linked to the current document.


Madda deetaa galmee ammmee

Aloola Bana/Cufa

Mul'annoo aloola kuusaa deetaa banuuf/ cufuuf. Sajoo Aloola Banaa/Cufaa Kabala deetaa gabateeirratti mul'atu.


Aloola Bana/Cufa

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