Kabala Haalojii Galmeewwan Basic LibreOffice keessaa

Kabala Haalojii, odeeffanno waa'ee galmee Basic LibreOffice ammaa agarsiissa.

Odeeffannoo Galmee

Waa'ee odeeffannoo LibreOffice Bu'ura galmee ka'aa agarsiisa . Maqoota galmee, kuusaa sagantaa, fi muraan mul'ate tuqaalen qoodama.

Fooyya'iinsa Galmee

If changes to the document have not yet been saved, a "*" is displayed in this field on the Status bar. This also applies to new, not yet saved documents.

Iddoo galmee keessaa

Displays the current cursor position in the LibreOffice Basic document. The row number is specified, then the column number.

Haalata Saagi

Displays the current insert mode. You can toggle between INSRT = insert and OVER = overwrite.

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