Kabala Durtii

Kabalichi Durtii fayyadama LibreOffice hundumaa keessatti argama.


Galmee haaraa LibreOffice Uuma.

Icon New

New (the icon shows the type of the new document).

Faayilii Bani

Opens a local or remote file. Opening multiple files is possible.

Icon Open

Faayilii Bani


Galmeeammee olkaa'a yeroo galfata.

Icon Save



Saves the current document in a different location, or with a different file name or file type.

Icon Save as

Akka ….olkaa'i

Email Document

Opens a new window in your default email program with the current document as an attachment. The current file format is used. If the document is new and unsaved, the format specified in - Load/Save - General is used.

Icon Email Document

Email Document

Edit Mode

Enables you to edit a read-only document or database table. Use the Edit Mode option to activate the edit mode.

Edit Mode Icon

Edit Mode

Ergaa-e akka DGHtti

Saves the current file to Portable Document Format (PDF) version 1.4. A PDF file can be viewed and printed on any platform with the original formatting intact, provided that supporting software is installed.

Icon Export Directly as PDF

Akka PDF Sudaadan Alergi

Faayilii sududaan maxxansaa

qindoominoota maxxansa durtii ammee galmee kaka'aa wajjiin maxxansuuf Sajoo Faayilii sududaan maxxansi cuqaasi. Kunis kan argamu qaaqa Qindoomina Maxxansaa keessatti, kan nuti ajaja baafata Qindoomina Maxxansaa wajjiin waamuu dandeenyudha.

Print File Directly Icon

Print File Directly


Checks the document or the current selection for spelling errors. If a grammar checking extension is installed, the dialog also checks for grammar errors.



Too'ataaqubeeffannooofumaa Banaa/Dhaamaa

Ufmaan yeroo barreessitu qubeessuu mirkaneessa, akkasumas dogoggora jala sarara.

Automatic Spell Checking On/Off

Automatic Spell Checking On/Off


Filannoo gara gabatee muraatti jalteessuu fi haqa.

Icon Cut



Filannoo gabatee muraatti jalteessa.

Icon Copy



Inserts the contents of the clipboard at the location of the cursor, and replaces any selected text or objects.

Icon Paste


Dhangii birushii qalamaa

Garagalcha dhangii barruu ykn wanta akkasumas filannoo dhangii barruu ykn wanta birotti fayyadamuu dandeessa.


Reverses the last command or the last entry you typed. To select the command that you want to reverse, click the arrow next to the Undo icon on the Standard bar.

Icon Undo



Reverses the action of the last Undo command. To select the Undo step that you want to reverse, click the arrow next to the Redo icon on the Standard bar.

Icon Redo



Opens a dialog that enables you to edit hyperlinks.

Icon Hyperlink

Qaaqa Geessituu


Click the Navigator On/Off icon to hide or show the Navigator.


Naanna'aa Bana/Dhaamaa

D'oh! You found a bug (text/shared/01/03010000.xhp#zoom not found).



Gargaarsa LibreOffice

Fayyadama ammaatiif fuula guumaa kan Gargaarsa LibreOffice bana. Fuulawwan Gargaarsa keessa marsuu nidandeessa, akkasuumas jechoota kasaa yk barruu kamiiyyu barbaaduu nidandeessa.

Icon Help

Gargaarsa LibreOffice

What’s This?

Enables extended help tips under the mouse pointer until the next click.

Icon “What’s This?”

What’s This?

URL Fe'aa

URL saagameen galmee ifteessame fe'i. URL haaraa duraan galmaa'e barreessuu ykn filachuu ni dandeessa. LibreOffice ofummaaan karaa faayilii gara ibsa URLtti jijjiira.

Sajoo Qaxxee

Enable Load URL with the Visible Buttons command (right-click the toolbar).

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