Galeeloo Hojii Kee Jijjiiruu

Yoo galmee banuuf ykn olkaa'uuf qaaqa jalqabsiiftu, LibreOffice jalqabattii galeloo hojii kee agarsiisa. Galeeloo kana jijjiiruuf:

  1. Choose - LibreOffice - Paths.

  2. Galmeewwan Koo cuqaasiiti, qabduu Gulaali cuqaasi, ykn Galmeewwan Koo irratti lama cuqaasi.

  3. Qaaqaa Xurree Fili kessaa, galeeloo hojii barbaaddu filadhuuti Filii cuqaasi.

You also use this procedure to change the directory displayed by LibreOffice when you want to insert a graphic. Choose - LibreOffice - Paths - Images, then follow step 3.

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