Dhangeessa Dhangii Burushiidibduudhaan Galagalchuu

Use the Clone Formatting tool to copy formatting from a text selection or from an object and apply the formatting to another text selection or object.

  1. Barruu ykn wanta dhangessa isaa galagalchuu barbaaddu fili.

  2. On the Standard Bar, click the Clone Formatting icon. The mouse cursor will change to a paint bucket.

  3. Barruu(barreess keessaa) ykn wanta dhangii irratti fayyadamuu barbaaddu fili ykn cuqaasi.


If you want to apply the formatting to more than one selection, double-click the Clone Formatting icon Icon. After you apply all the formatting, click the icon again.

Dhangeessa keewwataa qoqqobuuf, gadqabi yammuu cuqaastu. Dhangeessa arfii qoqqobuuf , +shift gadqabi yommuu cuqaastu.


In Calc, the Clone Formatting tool only copies formatting applied using the Format - Cells dialog or other equivalent methods. Therefore, any formatting applied directly to characters by selecting text inside a cell and then going to the Format - Character dialog will not be copied using the Clone Formatting tool.

The paragraph formats are the formats applied to the whole paragraph. The character formats are those applied to a portion of the paragraph. For example, if you apply the bold format to a whole paragraph the bold format is a paragraph format. Then if you unbold a portion of this paragraph, the bold format is still a paragraph format but the portion you unbold has a "not bold" character format.

Gabateen kana gadii amaloota dhangeessa Dhangii Burushiidibduun galagalchuu danda'u ibsa:

Akaakuu Filannoo


Kan filatame hin jiru, garuu qareen keewwata barruu keessatti argamti

Dhangeessa keewwata ammee fi dhangeessa arfii kan arfii itti aanee jiruu gara kallattii yaa'insa barruutti galagalcha.

Barruun filameera

Dhangeessa arfii dhuma irratti filamee fi keewwata arfii sana ofkeessatti qabatee galagalcha.

Godayyaan filameera

Copies the frame attributes that are defined in Format - Frame and Object - Properties dialog. The contents, size, position, linking, hyperlinks, and macros in the frame are not copied.

Wantaan filameera

Dhangeessa wantaa kan qaaqawwan Dhangii - Saxaatoo ykn Dhangii - Wanta keessatti qindaa'an galagalcha. Qabeentoota, hammamtaa, qubannoo, geessitoota, fi maakroota kan wanta keessatti argaman hin galagalchaman.

Toowattuun unkaa filameera

Hin deegaramu

Wanti fakkasaa filameera

Amaloota dhangeessaa hunda galagalcha. Toleessaa fi Fakkasaa keessatti, qabeentoota barruu kan wantaa akkasumas ni galagalchama.

Text within Calc cells is selected

Hin deegaramu

Gabateen ykn man'eewwan barreessaa filamaniiru

Dhangeessa Gabatee, Yaa'insa Barruu, Handaaraalee, fi Duubbee caancala fuulotaa qaaqa Dhangii - Gabatee keessatti ifteessame galagalcha.

Gabatee ykn man'eewwan Calc filamaniiru

Copies cell formatting specified using the Format - Cells dialog.

Text within Impress table is selected

Copies formatting attributes that apply to all characters in the cell. Formatting can only be copied within the same table.

Impress table or cells are selected

Hin deegaramu

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