Barruu keessatti Sararoota Fakkasuu

You can incorporate lines into your text with custom angles, thickness, color, and other attributes.

Amaloota sararaa fi kallattii qindeessuuf, wanta fakkasaa Sarara akka gadiitti fayyadami:

  1. Icon Show Draw Functions

    On the Standard bar, click the Show Draw Functions icon to open the Drawing toolbar

  2. Icon Line

    Click the Line icon. The mouse pointer changes to a cross-hair symbol with a line beside it.

    Galmee kee keessatti, iddoo sararri jalqabutti cuqaasi. Qabduu hantuuttee gadi qabuu fi tuqaatti harkisi iddoo sarara itti xumuruu barbaaddu. Dabalees yoo furtuu Shift gadi qabde, sararoonni surdala, dhaabboo, fi shaffaxa fakkasuu dandeessa.

  3. Icon Select Object

    Yoo sararri kallatti fi dheerina sirrii qabaate qabduu hantuuttee gaddhiisi. Achiin sararoota baay'ee fakkasuu dandeessa. Faankshinii kana kabalaFakkasaa irraa furtuu Esc dhiibuun ykn sajoo Filuu cuqaasuun xumiri.

After clicking the Select icon, you can select all of the lines at the same time by clicking each line while holding down the Shift key. This multiple selection enables you to assign all of them a common color, thickness or other attribute.

  1. Create a horizontal line by applying the preset Paragraph Style Horizontal Line. Click into an empty paragraph, and double-click the Horizontal Line Style in the Styles window. If the entry for horizontal lines is not visible in the list of Paragraph Styles, select "All Styles" in the lower listbox.

  2. Sarara olaanu, cinaa ykn gadi keewwata galmee barruu barreessaa keessaa Dhangii - Keewwata - Borders filachuudhaan fakkasuu dandeessa.

Sararoota ofumaa Barreessaa keessaa

  1. Yoo sarara haaraa galmee barruu Kitaabessaa keessaa arfiilee murfoo sadii ol barreessitee fi furtuu Saagi dhiibdu, arfiileen haqamuudhan dubbisni duraa sarara akka handaara jalaatti argata.

    To create a single line, type three or more hyphens (-), or underscores (_), and then press Enter. To create a double line, type three or more equal signs (=), asterisks (*), tildes (~), or hash marks (#), and then press Enter.

  2. Handaara ofumaan fakkafamee haquuf, Dhangi'i - Keewwata - Handaaraalee filadhuutii, handaara malee fili.

  3. Handaara ofumaan bakkabu'ame altokko gaabbuuf, Gulaali - Gaabbi filadhu.

  4. Handaarawwan ofumaa dhaamsuuf, Meeshaalee - OfiinSirreessaa - Dirqaleewwan filadhuutii, Handaara fayyadami qulqulleessi.


Sararootaa fi wantoota fakkasaa kabiroo barruu kee keessatti saagdeeHTML keessatti hinqindaa'uu, kanaafuu kalatiin dhangii HTML keessatti alergamuu hindanda'u. Qooda isaa, akka saxaatooleetti alergamu.


When you enter a line thickness, you can append a measurement unit. A zero line thickness results in a hairline with a thickness of one pixel of the output medium.

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