LibreOffice 25.2 Help
Kuusdeetaa LibreOffice keessaa ilaaluuf tooftaawwan adda addaa lama jiru.
Faayilicha kuusdeetaa banuufFaayilii - Bani fili.
The database file gives you full access to tables, queries, reports, and forms. You can edit the structure of your tables and change the contents of the data records.
Kuusaawwan deetaa galmaa'anii ilaaluuf Mul'annoo - Madda deetaa fili.
mul'annoo madda deetaa dirreewwan gabatee kuusaawwan deetaa galmaa'an irraa gara keessa galmeewwan keetti harkisanii kaa'uu fi makiinsa ergannoo horuuf fayyaduu ni danda'a.