Ejjatoowwan Tokkoffaa

Fakkeenyotaa fi qajojiilee fayyadamun akkaataa itti hojiike salphistu

LibreOffice includes many sample documents and ready-to-use templates. You can access these by choosing File - New - Templates, or press Shift++N.

Yommuu qajojiilee keessaa tokko bantu, qajojii kanarratti hundaa'uun galmeen haaraan ni uumama.

Click the Browse online templates button in the dialog to select and download more templates.

Dabalatees masaka garaagara fayyadamuu dandeessa (baafata Faayilii - Masaka jalatti) qajojilee mataa keetii uumuuf, kan akka bu'uura galmee irra caalatti itti fayyadamtu.

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