Data Source Title

Teessoo faayila yaadannoo teessootiif fi aloolaa madda deetaa keessatti maqaa maddi deetaa ittiin tarreeffaman ifteessa.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Address Data Source Wizards - Data source title


Teessoo faayila deetaa beezii ifteessa.


Qaaqa faayilaatti fayyadamuun teessoo ifteessa.

Yaadannoo teessoo kana moojuliiwwan LibreOffice keessaa maraaf dhiyeessi

Registers the newly created database file in LibreOffice. The database will then be listed in the Data sources pane (+Shift+F4). If this check box is cleared, the database will be available only by opening the database file.

Maqaa yaadannoo teessoo

Maqaa madda deetaa ifteessa.

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