Masaka jijjiirtuu Euro

Converts the currency amounts found in LibreOffice Calc documents and in fields and tables of LibreOffice Writer documents into euros.

Faayiloota cufaman qofaatu jijjiiramu. Galmee LibreOffice Calc banaa keessatti jijjiirtuu Euro fayyadamuun ni danda'ama. Haala kana keessatti, qaaqni adda ba'aan ni banama. Qaaqni kun xumura kutaa kanaarratti ibsameera.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Choose File - Wizards - Euro Converter.

Sajoo Ofegannoo

Maalaqa Biyyoota gamtaa maallaqa awurooppaa keessatti hirmaatanii qofaatu jijjiirama.


Galmee LibreOffice Calc qeenxee

Converts a single LibreOffice Calc file. To convert fields and tables in LibreOffice Writer, first mark the Also convert fields and tables in text documents check box.

Galeeloo guutuu

Converts all LibreOffice Calc and LibreOffice Writer documents and templates in the selected directory.


Specifies the currency to be converted into euros.

Galeeloo maddaa / galmee maddaa

Indicates the directory or the name of the single document to be converted.


Opens a dialog to select the desired directory or document.

Cita ukaankaa dabalatee

Specifies whether all subfolders of the selected directory are included.

Dirreewwanii fi gabateewwan galmeewwan barruu keessaa dabalataan jijjiira

Converts currency amounts found in fields and tables of LibreOffice Writer documents.

Sajoo Ofegannoo

Gatiiwwan galmee barruu keessaa kanneen dirreewwan ykn gabateewwan keessa hin jirre , hin jijjiiraman.

Gaafataa malee waraqaa yeroodhaaf hin eegu

Specifies that sheet protection will be disabled during conversion and thereafter re-enabled. If sheet protection is covered by a password, you will see a dialog for entering the password.

Galeeloo qiyyeeffannoo

Specifies the folder and path in which the converted files are to be saved.


Opens a dialog in which you can select a directory to hold the converted files.


Closes the Euro Converter.


Activates the help for the dialog.


Starts the conversion.

Yeroo jijjiirraa, fuulli agarsiistuu itti fufiinsaa ni mul'ifama.


Returns to the first page of the Euro Converter.

If the current document is a LibreOffice Calc document or template, you can call up the Euro Converter using the corresponding icon in the Tools bar. This icon is hidden by default. To display the Euro Converter icon, click the arrow at the end of the Tools bar, select the Visible Buttons command and activate the Euro Converter icon.


Jijjiirtuu euro

Qaaqni Euro jijjiiru faankishinoota armaan gadii of keessaa qaba:

Galmee guutuu

Converts the entire document.


Specifies the currency to be converted into euros.


Hangii kana keessatti mandheewwan jijjiiruu barbaaddu fili, yoo halojii galmee mara keessaa mallatteessuu baatte. Dirqala filiitii galtuuwwan qajojiiwwandirree/ hangiiwwan maallaqaa keessaa barbaachisoo cuqaasi. Hangii filatamaan akkuma galmee keessaatti mul'atu. Jijjiirraa raawwachuuf jijjiiricuqaasi.

Haalatawwan mandhee

All cells with the selected Cell Styles are converted.

Mandheewwan maallaqaa waraqaa ammee keessaa

All currency cells in the active spreadsheet will be converted.

Man'eewwan maallaqaa galmee guutuu keessaa

All currency cells in the active document will be converted.

Hangii filatame

All currency cells in the range selected before the converter was called will be converted. All cells must have the same format so that they can be recognized as a selected range.

Qajojiiwwan / Hangiiwwan mallaqaa

Displays the ranges to be converted from the list.

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