Xalayaa Maskaa - Maqaa fi Iddoo

Specifies where and under which name you want to save the document and template.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Choose File - Wizards - Letter - Name and Location.

Maqaa qajojii

Specifies the title of the document template.


Enter the path and file name for the template, or click the ... button to select the path and file name.

Qajojii kana keessaa xalayaa uumi

Saves and closes the template, and then opens a new untitled document based on the template.

Qajojii xalayaa kanaaf jijjiiramoota hujeeka taasiisu

Saves the template and keeps it open for editing.

Ibsa Gababaa Xalayaa Maskaa

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