Xalayaa Masakaa - Fudhataa fi Ergaa

Specifies the sender and recipient information.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Choose File - Wizards - Letter - Recipient and Sender.

Teessoo ergaa

Specifies your address information.

Teessoo deebi'adhaaf deetaa fayyadamaa fayyadami

Use the address data from LibreOffice - User Data in the Options dialog box.

Teessoo ergaa haaraa

Use the address data from the following text boxes.


Specifies the name of the sender.


Specifies the street address of the sender.


Specifies the address data of the sender.

Teessoo fudhataa

Odeeffannoo teessoo fudhataa ifteessa.

Teessoo fudhataaf iddooqoota fayyadami

Specifies that placeholder fields are inserted into the letter template.

Makiinsa ergannoof, teessoo kuusaa deetaa fayyadami

Address database fields are inserted into the letter template.

Gara Xalayaa Maskaatti Deemi - Jalaantoo

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