Masakaa Xalayaa - Teessuma Mata Xalayaa

Allows you to specify the elements that are already imprinted on your letterhead paper. Those elements are not printed, and the space they occupy is left blank by the printer.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Choose File - Wizards - Letter - Letterhead Layout.

Maalimopta mata duree xalayaa kan waraqaa keetirratti argaman murteessi


Specifies that a logo is already printed on your letterhead paper. LibreOffice does not print a logo.


Defines the height of the object.


Defines the width of the object.

Gara mudana bitaati adaan fageessuu

Sets the object distance from the left page margin.

Addan fageenya mudana gama olii qabu

Sets the object distance from the top page margin.

Teessoo ofii

Specifies that an address is already printed on your letterhead paper. LibreOffice does not print an address.

Teessoo fooddaalee batargaa keessatti deebiisuu

Specifies that your own address is already imprinted in small size above the area of the recipient's address. LibreOffice does not print an address in small size.


Specifies that a footer area is already printed on your letterhead paper. LibreOffice does not print a footer.


Enter the height of the footer area that is already imprinted on your letterhead paper. LibreOffice does not print in that area.

Gara xalayaa masakaatti deemi - Maalimoota maxxanffaman

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