Furtuuwwan Qaxxaamura waliigala LibreOffice keessaa

Sajoo Yaaddannoo

Furtuuleen qaxxaamura tokko tokkoo sirna minjaalee keef ramadame. Furtuuleen sirna minjaaleetiif ramadaman LibreOffice tiif hin argaman. Furtuulee adda addaa LibreOffice Meeshaalee - Maamileesi - Minjaalee, ykn sirna minjaalee keessatiif ramaduuf yaali.

Furtuuwwan Qaxxaamuraa fayyadamu

A great deal of your application's functionality can be called up by using shortcut keys. For example, the shortcut keys are shown next to the Open entry in the File menu. If you want to access this function by using the shortcut keys, press and hold down and then press the O key. Release both keys after the dialog appears.

Yemmuu fayyadama kee dalagdu, gidduu hantuuttee filuu ni dandeessa yookiin gabatee cuqoo akka fayyadamaawwan hunduu argaman.

Entering Unicode Characters

You can enter arbitrary Unicode characters in the document typing the Unicode hexadecimal code point and then pressing (default). Type the Unicode hexadecimal notation and press to toggle between the Unicode character and its hexadecimal notation. Selection is not necessary but the conversion will apply to the selected characters. Toggling occurs on the characters prior to the cursor position when these characters form a valid Unicode hexadecimal point. Hexadecimal code points with value in the range U+0000 to U+0020 are not converted.

The default Unicode conversion shortcut is and in some locales where the default Unicode shortcut interferes with the main menu shortcut. To reassign the shortcut, choose Tools - Customize - Keyboard and select Category:Options with Function:Toggle Unicode Notation.

Furtuwwan Qaxxaamuraa Qaaqa Too'annoo dhaaf fayyadamuu.

There is always one element highlighted in any given dialog - usually shown by a broken frame. This element, which can be either a button, an option field, an entry in a list box or a check box, is said to have the focus on it. If the focal point is a button, pressing Enter runs it as if you had clicked it. A check box is toggled by pressing the Spacebar. If an option field has the focus, use the arrow keys to change the activated option field in that area. Use the Tab key to go from one element or area to the next one, use Shift+Tab to go in the reverse direction.

Pressing Esc closes the dialog without saving changes.

Furtuuwwan Qaxxaamura Gochawwan Hantuutteef

If you are using drag-and-drop, selecting with the mouse or clicking objects and names, you can use the keys Shift, and occasionally to access additional functionality. The modified functions available when holding down keys during drag-and-drop are indicated by the mouse pointer changing form. When selecting files or other objects, the modifier keys can extend the selection - the functions are explained where applicable.

Dirreewwan Hojoomsa Barruu ciicataa

  1. Baafata halqaraa ajajawwan muraasa darbee darbee fayyade kan qabate banuu ni dandeessa.

  2. Use +A to select the entire text. Use the right or left arrow key to remove the selection.

  3. Jecha kana filachuuf lama-cuqaasi.

  4. Dirree ciicata barruu keessatti sadi-cuqaasuun diirree hundaa fila. Galmee barruu keessatti sadi-cuqaasuun hima ammeefe fila.

  5. Use +Del to delete everything from the cursor position to the end of the word.

  6. By using and right or left arrow key, the cursor will jump from word to word; if you also hold down the Shift key, one word after the other is selected.

  7. INSRT is used to switch between the insert mode and the overwrite mode and back again.

  8. Harkisuu-fi-kaa'umsafayyaduu kan danda'uu barruu sanduuqaa walinii fi isaan alatti.

  9. The +Z shortcut keys are used to undo modifications one step at a time; the text will then have the status it had before the first change.

  1. LibreOffice has an AutoComplete function which activates itself in some text and list boxes. For example, enter into the URL field and the AutoComplete function displays the first file or first directory found that starts with the letter "a".

  2. Use the Down Arrow key to scroll through the other files and directories. Use the Right Arrow key to also display an existing subdirectory in the URL field. Quick AutoComplete is available if you press the End key after entering part of the URL. Once you find the document or directory you want, press Enter.

Maakiroowwan Addaan baasuu

If you want to terminate a macro that is currently running, press +Shift+Q.

Tarreeffama Furtuuwwan Qaxxaamuraa waliigala LibreOffice keessaa.

The shortcut keys are shown on the right hand side of the menu lists next to the corresponding menu command.

Shortcut keys for controlling dialogs

Furtuuwwan Qaxxaamuraa


Furtuu galchii

Activates the focused button in a dialog.


Gocha yk qaaqa xumura. Yoo Gargaarsa LibreOffice keessa: sadarkaa tokko ol deema.


saanduqa filannoo isa qaaqa tokko keessatti xiyyeeffatame ceetaa'a

Furtuwwan xiyyaa

Too'annoo dirree damamaqaan dirqala keessa kan kutaa qaaqa jijjiira.


Xiyyeeffannoo gara kutaa ittaanutti yookiin miciraan qaaqa keessaa dursa.


Xiyyeeffannoo gara kutaa duraanii yookiin miciraan qaaqa keessaa Sochoosa.

+Xiyya Gadii

Opens the list of the control field currently selected in a dialog. These shortcut keys apply not only to combo boxes but also to icon buttons with pop-up menus. Close an opened list by pressing the Esc key.

Shortcut keys for controlling documents and windows

Furtuuwwan Qaxxaamuraa



Galmee bana


Galmee ammeea kaa'a


Galmee haaraa uuma.


Opens the Templates dialog.


Galmee Maxxansa.


Activates the Find toolbar.

Qaaqa Argachuu fi Bakka buusuu waama.


Jecha barbaaddu kan dhuma galee barbaada.



Mul'annoo galmee irra deebi'ee kaasa.


Qaree filannoo barruu-dubbisuu-qofaa keessaa nidandeessisa yookiin hin dandeessisu.


Gargaarsa: LibreOfficekeessaatti gara fuula ijoo gargaarsatti utaala.




Turns on Extended Tips for the currently selected command, icon or control.


Sets focus in next visible subwindow, including menu bar, toolbars, windows such as Sidebar and Navigator, and document canvas/data source.


Xiyyeeffannoo foddaa xiqqoo duraanii kessatti olka'a.


Sets focus in the document canvas/data source.


Activates the first menu (File menu).


Baafata haalqarichaa bana.


Docks and undocks floating subwindows such as unlocked toolbars, Sidebar and Navigator.


Shows/hides main menu.

+F4 ykn +F4

Closes the current document. Closes LibreOffice when the last open document is closed.


Fayyadama keessa baasa.

Shortcut keys for editing or formatting documents

Furtuuwwan Qaxxaamuraa



Yeroo jalqaba irraantootti qubate,Caancalli ni saagama.

Galchi (yoo wanti OLE filatame)

Wanta OLE filatmee kakaasa.

Galchi(yoofakkiin wantaa yookiin barnuun wantaa filatame)

Barruu naqa Haalataa kakaasa


Maalimawwan filataman mura.


Tarreefama Maalimawwan filatamanii jalteessa.


Dhaqqaba waraqaarraa maxxansa.


Gabatee muraa irraa barruu hin dhangeeffamne maxxansa. Barruun kun dahangii akeekii saaggii irra jiruutin maxxasama.


Maxxansa Addaa qaaqaa bana.


Mara fila.


Gochadhuma hin hojjetu.


Gocha dhumaa irra deebia hojjeta.


Ajajadhumaa irra deebi'a


The "Italic" attribute is applied to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is also marked in italic.


The "Bold" attribute is applied to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is also put in bold.


The "Underlined" attribute is applied to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is also underlined.


Removes direct formatting from selected text or objects (as in Format - Clear Direct Formatting).

Furtuwwan Qaxxaamuraa kuusaa Faayaa keessaa

Furtuuwwan Qaxxaamura



Xiyyaa Olii


Moves backwards between areas.

Shortcut keys in the New Theme area of the Gallery:

Furtuuwwan Qaxxaamura


Xiyya Olee

Filannoo gara gadiitti sochoosa

Xiyya Gadee

Filannoo gara gadiitti sochoosa.


Opens the Properties dialog.


Baafata haalqaraa bana.


Dhaamsa filatamee haaramsa.


Qaaqa Mataduree Galchii qaaqaa bana.


Dhaamsa filatamee haqa.


Inserts a new theme.

Shortcut keys in the Gallery Preview area:

Furtuuwwan Qaxxaamura



Gara galfata jalqabaatti utaalchisa.


Gara galfata xumuuraaraatti utaala. utaalchisa.

xiyya Bitaa

Maalima kuussa faayaa ittaanuu bitaa irraa irraa fila.

Xiyya Mirgaa

Maalima kuussa faayaa ittaanuu mirga irratti fila.

Xiyya Olee

Maalima kuussa faayaa ittaanuu olitti fila.

Xiyya Gadee

Maalima kuussa faayaa ittaanuu gadii fila.

Fuula Olee

Scrolls up one screen.

Fuula Gadee

Scrolls down one screen.


Wanticha filatamee akka wanta quunnasiisaa galmee ammee keessatti saaga.


Baay'ifama Wanticha filatamee galmee ammee keessaatti saaga.


Qaaqa Mataduree Galchii qaaqaa bana.


Mul'annoo dhaamsawwani fi mul'annoo wantaa gidduu jijjiira.


Mul'annoo dhaamsawwani fi mul'annoo wantaa gidduu jijjiira.


Mul'annoo dhaamsawwani fi mul'annoo wantaa gidduu jijjiira.

Step backward (only in object view).

Xumura guddaa duubatti jijjira.

Selecting Rows and Columns in a Database Table (opened by +Shift+F4 keys)

Furtuuwwan Qaxxaamura



Filannoo Tarree ceesisa, yemmuu tarreen quxaala haalata gulaalii keessa.


Toggles row selection.


Selects the current column.


Moves pointer to the first row.


Moves pointer to the last row.

Wantoota Fakaafamaniif furtuu qammaamuraa

Furtuuwwan Qaxxaamura


Select the toolbar with F6. Use the Down Arrow and Right Arrow keys to select the desired toolbar icon and press +Enter.

Fakkasaa Wantota Saa

Select the document with +F6 and press Tab.

Fakkasa Wanta Fila.


Fakkasa wantaatoo ittanu Fila.


Fakkasa wantoo duraanii fila.


Fakkasa Wantaa jalqabaa fila.


Fakkasa Wantaa dhumaa fila.


Filannoo Fakkas wantaa Xumura.

Dhiisi(Filannoo Haalata Qabannoo keessa)

Exits Handle Selection Mode and return to Object Selection Mode.

Xiyya olee/gadee/bitaa/mirgaa

Moves the selected point (the snap-to-grid functions are temporarily disabled, but end points still snap to each other).

+Up/Down/Left/Right Arrow

Moves the selected drawing object one pixel (in Selection Mode).

Resizes a drawing object (in Handle Selection Mode).

Rotates a drawing object (in Rotation Mode).

Opens the properties dialog for a drawing object.

Qabxii Filannoo haalata fakkasa wantaaf kakaasa.


Selects a point of a drawing object (in Point Selection mode) / Cancel selection.

Qabxiin filatamee seekondiitti al tokko ibsata.


Selects an additional point in Point Selection mode.


Selects the next point of the drawing object (Point Selection mode).

In Rotation mode, the center of rotation can also be selected.


Selects the previous point of the drawing object (Point Selection mode)


Fakkasa wantaa haaraa ,hammamtaa duraantoo waliin handhuura mul'annoo ammee keessaatti kaa'ameera.

+Enter at the Selection icon

Fakkasa wantaa jalqabaa galmee keessaa kakaasa.


Leaves the Point Selection mode. The drawing object is selected afterwards.

Edits a point of a drawing object (Point Edit mode).

Barruu kamiyyuu yookin furtuu lakkoofsaa

Yoo fakkasni wantaa filatamee haalata gulaaluuf fi qaree dhuma barruu fakkasa wantichaa keessa olkaa'a. Arfiin maxxanfamuu danda'uu ni saagama.

Furtuu yommuu wanta saxaatoo uumtuu fi guddistu

Iddoo handhuura wantichaa dhaabataadha.

Furtuu jijjiirraa wayita caatoon wantaa uumamu yokin guddatu

Qabxii bal'inaa gara dheerinaa wantichaa dhaabataadha.

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