Gabateewwan dabali

In the Add Tables dialog, select the tables you need for your current task. When creating a query or a new table presentation, select the corresponding table to which the query or table presentation should refer. When working with relational databases, select the tables between which you want to build relationships.

Gabateewwan fooddaa addabahaa wixinee galfataa ykn fooddawwan firummaa keessatti argamu, tarree dirreewwan gabatee keessatti argaman wajjiin saaga.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

In a database file window, click the Tables icon. Choose Insert - Table Design or Edit - Edit.


Maqaa gabteee

Gabateewwan argame tarreessa. Gabatee saaguf, tarree keessa tokko fili akkasumas Dabalijedhu cuqaasi. Maqaa gabatee lama cuqaasu dandeessa, akkasumas fooddaa dirreewwan gabatee wixinee galfataa gara gubbatti ykn fooddaa firummaa qaban mul'isa.


Gabatee ammee filame saaga.


Qaaqa Gabatee Dabalaa cufa.

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