Setting Indents, Margins, and Columns

Galuumsota fi mudanoota keewwata ammee, ykn keewwatoota filaman mara, hantuuteen fayyadamanii ibsuu dandeessa.

If you split the page into columns, or the cursor is placed in a multiple-column frame, you can change the column width and the column spacing by dragging them on the ruler with the mouse.

Weyta wanta, calaqqee, ykn wanti fakkaasamu filame, daangaalee wanta sarartuu keessaa ilaaluu dandeessa. Daangaalee sarartuurraa hantuuten harkisuun jijjiiruu dandessa.

Yoo qareen man'ee gabatee keessa qabate, Galuumsota qabeentota man'ee safartuu hantuuteerraa harkisuun jijjiiruu dandeenya. Sararota daangaa gabatee sarartuurraa ykn sarara daangaa dhugaa harkisuun jijjiiruu dandeenya.


Sajoon kun galuumsa bitaa sarara jalqaba keewwata ammee ( tiraangilii irraa) akkasumas galuumsa bitaa sarara keewwata biroo ( tiraangilii jalaa) mallatteessa.


Sajoon mirga sarartuu kun galuumsa mirgaa keewwata ammee mallatteessa.



Galuumsa bitaa qindeessi

Drag the bottom left mark to the right while pressing the mouse button.

Galuumsa bitaa sarara jalqabaa qindeessi

Drag the top left mark to the right while pressing the mouse button.

Galuumsa mirgaa qindeessi

Drag the mark on the right to the left while pressing the mouse button.


In order to change the left indent starting with the second line of a paragraph, hold down the key, click the triangle on the bottom left, and drag it to the right.


Weyta keewwata galuumsinu cancalloonni qindaa'e hin jijjiiramu. Yoo cancaloonni keewwata mudanoota alaa xumuru qindeessa, turanii hin mul'atan, garuu hanga ammaa jiraata.

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