Kuusaa Barbaadi

In forms or database tables, you can search through data fields, list boxes, and check boxes for specific values.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Find Record icon on the Table Data bar and Form Design bar.

Find Record Icon

Kuusaa Barbaadi

When searching a table, the data fields of the current table are searched. When searching in a form, the data fields of the table linked with the form are searched.


The search described here is carried out by LibreOffice. If you want to use the SQL server to search in a database, then you should use the Form-based Filters icon on the Form bar.

The search function is also available for table controls. When calling the search function from a table control, you can search each column of the table control corresponding to the database columns of the linked database table.


Gosa barbaachaa ifteessa.


Tarmii barbaachaa sanduuqa keessa galchi ykn tarreerraa fili. Barruu qarree jalaa duruma gara sanduuqa makaa Barruu garagalchame. Note that while running a search in a form, tabs and line breaks cannot be processed.

Your search terms will be saved as long as the table or the form document is open. If you are running more than one search and you would like to repeat the search term, you can select a previously used search term from the combo box.

Qabiyyeen dirree qullaa

Dirreewwan deetaa barbaadamu qabdu ifteessa.

Qabiyyeen dirree qullaa miti

Dirreewwan deetaa barbaadamu qabdu ifteessa.

Eessa barbaadufi

Dirreewwan barbaachaaf ifteessa.


Unkaa yaayaa iddoo barbaachaa qabsiisuf barbaannu ifteessa.


The Form combo box is only visible if the current document is a form document with more than one logical form. It does not appear during a search in tables or queries.

Galmeewwan unkaa unkaawwan yaayaa baay'ee qabaachuu danda'a. Kun qabiyyeewwan unkaa manyaa, kan tokkoonsaa gabatetti koronyate.

Sanduuqa makaa Unkaa maqaawwan unkaawwan yaaya mara qaban too'annoowwan kamtu argama.

Dirreewan Mara

Barbaachi dirreewwan mara qaxxaamura. Yoo kaka'iinsi barbaachaa gabatee keessa ta'e, dirreewwan gabatee keessaa marri ni barbaadama. Yoo kaka'iinsi barbaachaa unkaa keessa ta'e, dirreewwan unkaa yaayaa(Unkaajalatti galchame) marri ni barbaadamu. Yoo kaka'insi barbaachaa dirree too'annoo gabatee keessa ta'e, dirree gabatee kuusaa deetaa gatiinsaa sarjaawwan mara wajjiin koronyate barbaada.

Note that the fields of the current logical form do not have to be identical to the fields of the form document. If the form document contains fields that point to multiple data sources (that is, multiple logical forms), the All Fields option will only search for the fields linked to data sources in the form document.

Dirree qeenxee

Barbaanni dirree deetaa murtaa'aa keessa darba.


Barbaacha too'achuuf qindoomina ibsaa


Firummaa tarmii barbaachaa fi qabeentota dirree ifteessa. Filannoowwan asiin gadii ni mul'atu:



Dirree keessa eessatiyyuu

Dirreewan sarxaa barbaachaa dirree keessa eessatiyyuu qaban mara deebisa.

jalqaba dirree

Dirreewan sarxaa barbaachaa jalqaba dirree keessa mara deebisa.

xumura dirree

Dirreewan sarxaa barbaachaa xumura dirree keessa mara deebisa.

dirree mara

Dirreewan sarxaa barbaachaa akka qabeentota dirree walfakkatan mara deebisa.


Yoo sanduuqa makaaIbsama turbaa abbaalaa mallatteessite, dalagaan kun hin argamu.

Dhangii dirree fayyadami

Dhangiiwwan dirree marri kan hubannoo argatu weyta galmee ammee keessaa barbaadamte ifteessa. Dhangiiwwan dirree Field formats are all visible formats that are created using the following possibilities:

  1. Amaloota dirree haalata wixinee gabatee keessaa,

  2. in data source view on column formatting,

  3. Unkaawwan amaloonni too'annoo keessaa

If the Apply field format box is marked, the data source view of the table or form is searched using the formatting set there. If the box is not marked, the database is searched using the formatting saved in the database.


You have a date field, which is saved in "DD.MM.YY" format in the database (for example, 17.02.65). The format of the entry is changed in the data source view to "DD MMM YYYY" (17 Feb 1965). Following this example, a record containing February 17 is only found when the Apply field format option is on:

Dhangii dirree fayyadami

Sarxaa barbaadi


"Gur" deebi'e, garuu "2" miti.


"2" deebi'a, garuu "Gur" miti

Dirree dhangessuu gargaaramuun barbaaduun yerooo hunda ni heeyyamama.

The following examples show possible issues when searching without field formatting. These issues depend on the database used and only occur for certain internal default formatting:

Galteewwan barbaadi


"5" returns "14:00:00" as a time.

Time fields are not defined for dBASE databases and must be simulated. To internally display the time "14:00:00", a "5" is necessary.

"00:00:00" returns all records of a standard date field.

The database stores a date value internally using a combined date/time field.

"45.79" does not return "45.79" although the entire field option is selected under Position.

The view shown does not match what is stored internally. For example, if value "45.789" is stored in the database as a field of type "Number/Double" and the shown formatting is set to display only two decimals, "45.79" is only returned in searches with field formatting.

Dhimma kanarratti, dhangiiwwan baratamoo dhangiiwwan kuusaan keessaan kuufame agarsiisa. Inni yeroo hunda dhimmamatti hin mul'atu, keessattuu yoo gosoota deetaa fakkeessuf fayyadamte (fakkeenyaaf, dirreewwan yeroo kuusaalee deetaa dBASE keessatti). Kun kuusaa deetaa fayyadamterratti hundaa'a akkasumas gosa deetaa tokko tokkoo isaanii. Dhanga'iinsa dirreetiin barbaadun walgita yoo wanta dhugumaan mul'atuu qaban qofa barbaaduu barbaadde. Dirreewwan kun Gosa Guyyaa, Yeroo, Guyyaa/Yeroo fi Lakkoofsa/Cimdii.

However, searching without Apply field format is appropriate for larger databases with no formatting issues, because it is faster.

Yoo gatii sanduuqota makaa, fi Dhangii fayyadama dirree barbaadaa jirru banaa ta'e, Sanduuqota makaa mallattaa'ef "1" fudhachuu dandeenya, "0" sanduuqota makaa hin mallattaa'iniif, fi diraa duwwaan sanduuqota makaa hinibsaminiif. Yoo barbaachi turame Dhangii Dirree Fayyadami dhaamaa tti qindaa'e, gatiiwwan durtii maxxanaa-afaanii "DHUGAA" ykn "SOBA" ilaaluu dandeenya.

Weyta sanduuqota makaa keessa barbaannu yoo Dhangii dirree fayyadi fayyadamne, barruu sanduuqota tarree keessatti barbaadde mul'isa. Yoo Dhangii dirree fayyadi, jedhu hin fayyadamne dhangii dirree baratamoo qabeentotaan wal gitan barbaadu dandeessa.

Walsima qubee

Yeroo barbaachaa qubee xiqqaa fi qubee guddaa xiyyeeffannaan akka itti kennamu ifteessa.

Ofduuba barbaadi

Adeemsa barbaachaa kallattii faallaatti ka'u ifteessa, kuusaa dhumaa gara jalqabaa.

Gubbaa irraa / Jala irraa

Barbaacha lamkaasi. Barbaacha fuulduraa kuusaa jalqabaa lamkaasi. Barbaachi ofduubaa kuusaa xumuraa lamkaasi.

Ibsama turbaa abbaalaa

You can use the following wildcards:

Turbaa abbaaltotaa




Arfii walfakkaata tokko qofaaf

"?ilooppii" deebisa "Filooppii"

"M?ller" deebisa, fakkeenyaaf, Miller fi Moller


Arfii walfakkaata 0 ykn baay'eef

"*-*" deebisa "ZIP-Drive" and "CD-ROM"

"M*er" galfatawwan mara "M" jalqaban fi "er" xumuraman deebisa (fakkeenyaaf, Miller, Moller, Mather)

If you want to search for the actual characters ? or *, precede them with a backslash: "\?" or "\*". However, this is only necessary when Wildcard expression is enabled. When the option is not enabled, the wildcard characters are processed like normal characters.

Ibsama Idilee

Searches with regular expressions. The same regular expressions that are supported here are also supported in the LibreOffice Find & Replace dialog.

Barbaachi himannoo baratamaan, barbaacha turbaa abbaalaa caalaa filannoo namaaf kenna. Yoo himannoo baratamaa waliin barbaadu, kanneen arfiilee armaan gadii baarbaacha turbaa abbaalaa waliin walgitu:

Ibsama turbaa abbaalaan barbadi

Ibsamoota idileen barbaadi





Walfakkaatina Barbaadi

Find terms that are similar to the Find text. Select this checkbox, and then click the Similarities button to define the similarity options.

Yabbina arfiitiin walsima(afaanotani Eshiyaa qofa yoo danda'an)

Distinguishes between half-width and full-width character forms.

Sagaloota akka(Jappan) (afaanota Eshiiyaa qofa yoo danda'an)

Lets you specify the search options for similar notation used in Japanese text. Select this checkbox, and then click the Sounds button to specify the search options.

Sets the search options for similar notation used in Japanese text.

Akka walqixaatti lakkaa'a

Specifies the options to be treated as equal in a search.


Specifies the characters to be ignored.


The State line shows the records returned by the search. If the search reaches the end (or the beginning) of a table, the search is automatically continued at the other end.

In very large databases, finding the record in reverse search order can take some time. In this case, the status bar informs you that the records are still being counted.


Yoo barbaachi milkaa'inaan xumurame, dirree walgite gabatee keessatti shoolame. Deebi'anii qabduu Barbaachaa cuqaasun barbaacha ittifufuu dandeessa. Adeemsa barbaachaa dhiisuf qabduu Dhiisijedhu cuqaasuu dandeessa.


Qaaqa cufa. Qindoominni barbaacha xumuraa hanga LibreOfficedhiisi jettutti olkaa'ama.

Yoo gabateewwan ykn unkaawwan baay'en baname, filannoowwan barbaacha gara garaa galmee tokkoof qindeessu dandeessa. Weyta galmeewwan cufne filannoowwan barbaachaa galmee dhumarratti cufame qofatu olkaa'ama.

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