LibreOffice 25.2 Help
Ulaagaalee fooyinsa deetaa mul'isu ifteessa.
While the functions Sort in Ascending Order and Sort in Descending Order sort by one criterion only, you can combine several criteria in the Sort Order dialog.
You can remove a sorting that has been performed with the Reset Filter/Sorting icon.
Use this area to enter sorting criteria. If you enter additional sorting criteria under and then, the data matching the content of the higher-order criterion is ordered according to the next criterion.
If you sort the field name "First name" in ascending order and the field name "Last name" in descending order, all records will be sorted in ascending order by first name, and then within the first names, in descending order by last name.
Specifies the data field name whose content will determine the sort order.
Specifies the sort order (either ascending or descending).
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