LibreOffice 25.2 Help
Opens the Form Navigator. The Form Navigator displays all forms and subforms of the current document with their respective controls.
Yemmoo unkaalee garaagaraa gargaaramtu, Naannawwaan Unka ilaalcha duree unkaalee hundaaf laachuudhaan faankishinoota garaagaraa gulaali isaaniif ni mijeessa.
The Form Navigator contains a list of all created (logical) forms with the corresponding control fields. You can see whether a form contains control fields by the plus sign displayed before the entry. Click the plus sign to open the list of the form elements.
Too'annoowwan adda addaa Naanna'aa Unkaa keessaatti harkisuudhaanii fi haquudhaan akkamitti akkaa sirreessuun danda'amu jijjiiruu ni dandeessa. Too'annoolee tokko ykn tokkoo ol filuudhaan gara unka biraatti harkisi. Filmaataan too'annoo gara gabatee muraatti siiqsuuf +X ykn ajaja baafata halqara Haqi fi +V ykn too'annoo gara bakka biraatti saaguuf ajaja saagi gargaarami.
To edit the name in the Form Navigator, click on the name and enter a new name, or use the command in the context menu.
If you select a control in the Form Navigator, the corresponding element is selected in the document.
If you call the context menu of a selected entry, the Form Navigator offers the following functions:
Adds new elements to the form. The Add function can only be called if a form is selected in the Form Navigator.
Creates a new form in the document. To create a subform, add the new form under the desired parent form.
Creates a hidden control in the selected form that is not displayed on the screen. A hidden control serves to include data that is transmitted together with the form. It contains additional information or clarifying text that you can specify when creating the form through the Special Properties of the control. Select the entry of the hidden control in the Form Navigator and select the Properties command.
Gabatee muraa kessaan (furtuu qaxxaamuraa Naanna'aa Unkaa keessatti garagalchuu kan dandeessu furtuun gadhiibamee osoo jiruu harkisii-kaa'ii fayyadamuudhaani.
+C garagalchuu fi +V saaguuf) galmee keessaatti too'annoowwan garagalchuu dandeessa. To'atamtoota dhokatanDrag and drop to copy controls within the same document or between documents. Open another form document and drag the hidden control from the Form Navigator into the Form Navigator of the target document. Click a visible control directly in the document, rest the mouse for a moment so that a copy of the control is added to the drag-and-drop clipboard, then drag the copy into the other document. If you want a copy in the same document, press while dragging.
Deletes the selected entry. This allows you to delete individual form components as well as whole forms with one mouse click.
Weyta unkaan filatame, qaaqa Tartiiba Cancala bana, where the indices for focusing the control elements on the Tab key are defined.
Wanta filame maqaa jijiiraa.
Starts the Properties dialog for the selected entry. If a form is selected, the Form Properties dialog opens. If a control is selected, the Control Properties dialog opens.