
The Data tab page allows you to assign a data source to the selected control.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Open context menu of a selected form element - choose Control Properties - Data tab.

Open Form Design toolbar, click Control icon - Data tab.


For forms with database links, the associated database is defined in the Form Properties. You will find the functions for this on the Data tab page.

The possible settings of the Data tab page of a control depend on the respective control. You will only see the options that are available for the current control and context.
The following fields are available:

Diraa duwwaan HUMAA

Defines how an empty string input should be handled. If set to "Yes", an input string of length zero will be treated as a value NULL. If set to "No", any input will be treated as-is without any conversion.

An empty string is a string of length zero (""). Normally, a value NULL is not the same as an empty string. In general, a term NULL is used to denote an undefined value, an unknown value, or "no value has been entered yet."

Sirnoonni kuusdeetaa adda addadha akkasumas gatii NULL adda adduummaan ni qabata. Barreefama kuusdeetaa itti gargaaramtu dubbisi.

Dirree guyyaa

With database forms, you can link controls with the data fields.

Anjaawummaa hedduu qabda:

  1. Dhimma Duraa: Gabatee tokko qofaatu unkaa keessatti argama.

    Dirree Deetaajalatti, dirree gabatee kuusaa deetaa qabeentota isaa mul'isuu barbaadde ifteessa.

  2. Dhimma Lammaffaa: Too'annoo unkaa xiqqaa galfata SQL uumame.

    Dirree deetaajalatti, dirree hima SQL qabeentota isaa mul'isuu barbaadde ifteessa.

  1. Dhimma sadaffaa: Sanduuqota Makaa

    Sanduuqota makaaf, dirree gabatee madda deetaa gatiiwwan galfaman ykn dhimmamaan filaman Dirree deetaajalatti kuusaaman ifteessa. Gatiiwwan tarree sanduuqa makaa keessatti mul'atan hima SQL irratti hundaa'a, innis Qabeentaa tarree jalatti gala.

  2. Dhimma Afuraffaa: Sanduuqota Tarree

    Gabateen kuusaa deetaa deetaa mul'atan hin qabu, garuu gabateen gara gabatee madda deetaa dirree deetaa waliinii darbe koronyate.

    Yoo sanduuqa tarree deetaa gabateerraa kan gabatee madda deetaa ammeetti koronyate Dirree Deetaa jalatti mul'isuu barbaadde, dirree gabatee madda deetaa qabiyyee sanduuqa tarree agarsiisu ifteessa. ykn dirree kuusaa deetaa mul'annoo deetaa unkaa keessaa kan too'atu ifteessu dandeessa. Dirreen deetaa kun geessituu gara gabatee biroo geessa yoo gabateen lachanuu dirree deetaa waliinii keessa dabranii koronyatan. Inni dirree deetaa yeroo hunda lakkoofsi enyumeessaa adda ta'e keessatti kuufame. Dirree deetaa qabeentootni isaa unkaa keessatti mul'atan hima SQL Qabiyyee tarreejalatti ibsaman.

Sanduuqota tarree wabiileen dalagu. Hojirra kan oolan takkaa gabateewwan himoota SQL'iin koronyateeni (dhimma afuraffaa) ykn tarreewwan gatii dabruun:

Wabiilee gabateewwan koronyate keessa darban (Himoota SQL)

Yoo sanduuqa tarree deetaa gabatee kuusaa deetaa dirree deetaa waliiniitiin gara gabatee unkaarratti hundaa'e koronyate mul'isuu barbaadde,dirree geessituu gabatee unkaa Dirree deetaajaltti ibsaman.

Geessituun fili SQL tin uumamte, which, if you selected "SQL" or "Native SQL", is specified under Type of list contents in the field List content. As an example, a table "Orders" is linked to the current form control, and in the database a table "Customers" is linked to the "Orders" table. You can use an SQL statement as follows:

MaqaaFayyadamaa FILI, LakkFayyadamaa Fayyadamtoota IRRAA,

Iddoo "MaqaaFayyadamaa" dirree deetaa gabatee "Fayyadamtootaa" irraa koronyate, fi "LakkFayyadamaa" dirree gabatee "Fayyadamtoota" dirree unkaa gabatee "Tartiiba" Dirree deetaajalatti ibsametti koronyeessa.

Wabiilee tarreewwan gatii fayyadaman

Sanduuqota tarreef, tarreewwan gatii fayyadamuu dandeenya. Tarreewwan gatii tarreewwan gatiiwwan wabii ibsan. Karaa kanaan, too'annoo unkaa keessaa qabiyyee dirree kuusaa deetaa sududaan mul'isuu hin danda'u, garuu gatiiwwan olaanaan tarree gatii keessatti ramadaman.

Yoo gatiiwwan wabii tarree gatiitin hojjate, qabeentoota dirree deetaa unkaa keessaaDirree Deetaajalatti hin mul'atan, garuu gatiiwwan ramadamanii caalaa. If you chose "Valuelist" on the Data tab under Type of list contents and assigned a reference value to the visible list entries in the form under List entries (entered in the General tab), then the reference values are compared with the data content of the given data field. If a reference value corresponds to the content of a data field, the associated list entries are displayed in the form.

Dirree marfame


Yoo qabeentaa man'ee amala iyyaafataa Dirree marfameehaqxe, dirreen jalqaba qindoomina firii deetaa mul'isuu fi jijjiruf fayyada.

Amalli kun sanduuqota tarreef dirree deetaa gabatetti koronyate kamtu unkaa keessatti mul'ate ibsa.

Yoo sanduuqni tarree unkaa keessaa qabeentaa gabatee gara gabatee unkaa koronyate mul'isuuf, akkasumas dirreeGosa qabeentaa tarreekeessatti yoo kan mul'ate ajaja SQL tin tilmaamame ykn gabateen fayyadamame ibsa. Amala Dirree marfame n, galfata dirree deetaa kamitti kasaa fayyadamnu ifteessa ykn gabatee dirreen tarree isaa koronyate.


Amalli Dirree marfamee unkaawwan gabatee tokkoo ol qaban fayyaduu qofaaf fayyada. Yoo unkaan gabatee tokko qofarratti hundaa'e,dirreen unkaa keessatti mul'atuuf deemu Dirree deetaa jalatti sududaan ibsama. Haa ta'u malee, yoo sanduuqa tarree deetaa gabatee gara gabatee ammee dirree deetaa waliinii irratti koronyate irraa mul'isuu barbaadde, dirreen deetaa koronyatee amalaDirree marfameetin ibsama.

Yoo "SQL" Gosa qabeentoota tarree jalatti filatte, ajajni SQL kasaa ibsame tilmaama. Fakkeenyaa: Yoo ajaja SQL kan akka "Dirree1, Dirree2 maqaagabatee IRRAA FILI" jedhu Qabiyyee tarreejalaa ibsite, gabatee gadiif wabeessi:

Dirree marfame



The index of the selected entry in the list is linked to the field specified under Data field.

{empty} or 0

Dirreen kuusaa deetaa "Dirree1" gara dirree Dirree deetaajalatti ibsametti koronyate.


Dirreen kuusaa deetaa "Dirree2" gara dirree Dirree deetaajalatti ibsametti koronyate.

Yoo "Gabatee" Gosa qabeentoota tarree jalatti filatte, caasaa gabatee kasaa ifteeffamuu deemu ibsa. Fakkeenyaa: Yoo gabatee kuusaa deetaa Qabiyyee tarreejalatti filatamte, gabatee gadiif wabeessi:

Dirree marfame



The index of the selected entry in the list is linked to the field specified under Data field.

{empty} or 0

Sarjaan gabatee tokkoffaan gara dirree Dirree deetaajalatti ibsametti koronyate.


Sarjaan gabatee lammaffaan gara dirree Dirree deetaajalatti ibsametti koronyate.


Sarjaan gabatee sadaffaan gara dirree Dirree deetaajalatti ibsametti koronyate..

Gatii wabiilee(bani)

You can assign a reference value to option buttons and check boxes. The reference value will be remitted to a server when sending the web form. With database forms the value entered here will be written in the database assigned to the control field.

Gatiilee wabii unkaalee saphaphuutif

Yoo unkaa saaphaphuu fi odeeffannoo haalata too'annoorraa gara kaadimaa dabarsuuf wixineessinu gatiiwwan wabii faayida qaba. Yoo too'annoon dhimmamaan cuqaafame, gatiin wabii walgitanii gara kaadimaa ergama

Fakkeenyaaf, yoo dirreewwan too'annoo lama filannoowwan "dhalaa" fi "dhiira" qabaatte, akkasumas gatii wabii 1 gara dirree "dhalaa" fi gatii 2 gara dirree "dhiira" ramadi, yoo dhimmamaan dirree "dhalaa" cuqaase gatiin 1 gara kaadimaa dabra akkasumas yoo dirree "dhiira" cuqaafame gatii 2 ni ergama.

Gatiiwwan wabii unkaawwan kuusaa deetaaf

Unkaawwan kuusaa deetaatiif, haalojii filannoottis amaleessuu dandeenya. ykn sanduuqa makaa gatii wabiitii, kuusaa deetaa keessatti kuusudhaan. yoo filannoowwan qindoominaa sadii qabaatte, fakkeenya ""in progress", "completed", and "resubmission", with the respective reference values, "ToDo", "OK", and "RS", gatiiwwan wabii kuusaa deetaa keessatti kan argaman yoo filannoo firooman cuqaafame.

Gatii wabiilee(cufi)

Check boxes and radio buttons in spreadsheets can be bound to cells in the current document. If the control is enabled, the value you enter in Reference value (on) is copied to the cell. If the control is disabled, the value from Reference value (off) is copied to the cell.

Gosa tarree qabiyyeewwanii

Determines the data to fill the lists in list and combo boxes.

Filannoo "Tarreegatii" tiin, Galfatawwan mara dirree Galfatawwan tarree keessatti galfaman cancala Waliigala too'annoo keessatti argamu. Unkaawwan kuusaa deetaa, Gatiiwwan wabii fayyadamuu danddeessa (kutaa Gatii tarreewwan wabiiletti fayyadamuu ilaali).

Yoo qabiyyeen too'annoo kuusaa deetaarraa dubbifame, gosa madda deetaa filannoowwan birootirraa timaamuu dandeenya. Fakkeenyaaf, gabateewwan fi galfatawwan gidduu filuu dandeessa.

Hangii madda ma'ee

Enter a cell range that contains the entries for a list box or combo box on a spreadsheet. If you enter a multi-column range, only the contents of the leftmost column are used to fill the control.

Man'ee Koronyate

Specifies the reference to a linked cell on a spreadsheet. The live state or contents of the control are linked to the cell contents. The following tables list the controls and their corresponding link type:

Sanduuqa filannoo man'ee koronyatee wajjiin



Select the check box:

TRUE is entered into the linked cell.

Deselect the check box:

FALSE is entered into the linked cell.

Tri-state check box is set to "undetermined" state:

#NV is entered into the linked cell.

Enter a number or a formula that returns a number in the linked cell:

If entered value is TRUE or not 0: Check box is selected.
If entered value is FALSE or 0: Check box is deselected.

Clear the linked cell, or enter text, or enter a formula that returns text or an error:

Sanduuqni makaa gara kutaa "hintilmaamamne" qindeessa yoo sanduuqa makaa…. , ta'uu baannan hinfilamu

Select the box. The Reference value box contains text:

The text from the Reference value box is copied to the cell.

Deselect the box. The Reference value box contains text:

Diraa duwwaan gara man'ee garagalchame

The Reference value box contains text. Enter the same text into the cell:

Sanduuqni filannoo filame

The Reference value box contains text. Enter another text into the cell:

Sanduuqni filannoo hin filamne

Qabduu filannoo (Qabduu Raadiyoo) man'ee koronyatee waliin



Select the option button:

TRUE is entered into the linked cell.

Option button is deselected by selecting another option button:

FALSE is entered into the linked cell.

Enter a number or a formula that returns a number in the linked cell:

If entered value is TRUE or not 0: Option button is selected.
If entered value is FALSE or 0: Option button is deselected.

Clear the linked cell, or enter text, or enter a formula that returns text or an error:

Option button is deselected.

Click the option button. The Reference value box contains text:

The text from the Reference value box is copied to the cell.

Click another option button of the same group. The Reference value box contains text:

Diraa duwwaan gara man'ee garagalchame

The Reference value box contains text. Enter the same text into the cell:

Qabduu filannoofilame

The Reference value box contains text. Enter another text into the cell:

Qabdu filannoo haqame

Sanduuqa barruu man'ee koronyate wajjiin



Enter text into the text box:

Text is copied into the linked cell.

Clear the text box:

Linked cell is cleared.

Enter text or a number in the linked cell:

Text or number is copied into the text box.

Enter a formula into the linked cell:

Formula result is copied into the text box.

Clear the linked cell:

Text box is cleared.

Dirree lakkoofsaa fi dhangi'ame man'ee wajjiin koronyate



Enter a number into the field:

Number is copied into the linked cell.

Clear the field:

Value 0 is set in the linked cell.

Enter a number or a formula that returns a number in the linked cell:

Number is copied into the field.

Clear the linked cell, or enter text, or enter a formula that returns text or an error:

Value 0 is set in the field.

Sanduuqa tarree man'ee koronyate wajjiin

Sanduuqonni tarree haalota geessituu garagaraa lama gargaara, amala "Qabeentoota man'ee koronyatee" ilaalaa.

  1. Linked contents: Synchronize the text contents of the selected list box entry with the cell contents.

  2. Linked selection position: The position of the single selected item in the list box is synchronized with the numerical value in the cell.



Select a single list item:

Qabiyyeewwan koronyate: Barruun maalimaa gara man'ee koronyatetti garagalchame

Selection is linked: Position of the selected item is copied into the linked cell.
For example, if the third item is selected, the number 3 will be copied.

Select several list items:

#NV is entered into the linked cell.

Deselect all list items:

Contents are linked: Linked cell is cleared.

Selection is linked: Value 0 is entered in the linked cell.

Enter text or a number into the linked cell:

Contents are linked: Find and select an equal list item.

Selection is linked: The list item at the specified position (starting with 1 for the first item) is selected. If not found, all items are deselected.

Enter a formula into the linked cell:

Find and select a list item that matches the formula result and link mode.

Clear the linked cell:

Deselect all items in the list box.

Change the contents of the list source range:

Maalimoonni sanduuqa tarree akkaataa jijjiirraatin haaromfama. Filannoon eegamaadha. kun sababa haaromsa man'ee koronyateti.

Sanduuqa makaa man'ee koronyateef



Enter text into the edit field of the combo box, or select an entry from the drop-down list:

Text is copied into the linked cell.

Clear the edit field of the combo box:

Linked cell is cleared.

Enter text or a number into the linked cell:

Text or number is copied into the edit field of the combo box.

Enter a formula into the linked cell:

Formula result is copied into the edit field of the combo box.

Clear the linked cell:

Edit field of the combo box is cleared.

Change the contents of the list source range:

Tarreen maalimoota gadbuusaa akkaataa jiijjiratiin haaromsama. Dirree sanduuqa makaa gulaalu fi man'ee koronyate hin jijjiiramu.

Qabiyyeewwan man'ee geeituu

Select the mode of linking a list box with a linked cell on a spreadsheet.

  1. Linked contents: Synchronize the text contents of the selected list box entry with the cell contents. Select "The selected entry".

  2. Linked selection position: The position of the single selected item in the list box is synchronized with the numerical value in the cell. Select "Position of the selected entry".

Tarree Qabiyyee

With database forms, specifies the data source for the list content of the form-element. This field can be used to define a value list for documents without a database connection.

Dhimma unkaawwan kuusaa deetaatiin, maddi deetaa galfatawwan tarree ykn sanduuqa makaa tilmaama. Gosa filamerratti hundaa'ee, filannoo maddoota deetaa garaagaraa Qabiyyee tarreejidduu qaba. wantootni kun kuusaa deetaa kee keessatti argamuu kan jajjabeessu dha. Gosni kuusdeetaa wantoota Gosa qabeentaa tarree jalatti filame asitti argama. Yoo "Gatii Tarree"gosa akka dirqaalaatti filatte, wabii kuusdeetaa akka dhangiitti fayyadamuu dandeessa. Yoo agarsiisni to'annoo ajaja SQL tiin to'atama ta'ee, himni SQL asitti saagama.

Fakkeenyota himoota SQL:

Sanduuqota tarreetif, himni SQL unkaa asiin gadii qabaachuu danda'a:

dirree1, dirree2, gabatee IRRAA FILI

"gabatee"n asii gabatee deetaan isaa too'annoo tarree keessatti mul'atu. "dirree1" dirree deetaa galfata mul'ataa unkaa keessaa ibsuuf; qabiyyeen isaa sanduuqa tarree keessatti mul'ata. "dirree2" dirree gabatee tarree gara gabatee unkaa(gatii gabatee) dirree Deetaa dirreejalatti ibsame keessa dabre yoo Dirree daangeffame = 1 filame.

Sanduuqota makaatiif, himni SQL unkaa asiin gadii qabaachuu danda'a.

Dirree ADDAA gabatee IRRAA FILI,

"dirree" asii dirree deetaa "gabatee" gabatee tarreerraa kan qabiyyeen isaa tarree sanduuqa makaa keessatti mul'atan.

Tarreewwan gatii galmeewwan HTML

Unkaawwan HTML tiif, gatii tarree Qabiyyee tarreejalatti galchuu dandeenya. Filannoo "Gatiitarree" Gosa qabeentota tarreejalaa fili. Gatiiwwan asitti galchine unkaa keessatti hin mul'atan, akkasumas gatiiwwan gara galfatoota mul'atotti ramaduuf gargaara. Galfatni Qabiyyee tarree jalatti hojjataman iyyaatoo HTML walgitanii <OPTION VALUE=...>.

Dabra deetaa galafata sanduuqa tarree ykn makaa irraa filame keessatti, gatiiwwan tarree unkaa keessatti mul'atan lachanuu, kan cancala Waliigala Galfata tarreejalatti galan, akkasumas gatii tarree cancalaDeetaairratti Qabiyyee tarreejalatti galfaman, xiyyeeffannaa jala galchuu qaban: Yoo barruun qubannoo gatii tarree keessaa filaman (<OPTION VALUE=...>), daddabruu danda'a. Kanata'uu baannan, barruun too'annoo (<OPTION>) keessatti mul'atan ni ergamu.

Yoo gatiin tarree diraa duwwaa qabaatuf, gatii "$$$duwwaa$$$" qabiyyee tarreejalatti iddoo qubannoo wal gitanitti (yaadannoo qubee guddaa/xiqqaa)galchi. LibreOffice naqa kana akka diraa duwwatti akkasumas gara galfata tarree firooma qabanitti ramadi.

Gabatee asiin gadii waliindha HTML, JaavaaIskiriptii fi dirreeLibreOffice Qabiyyee tarree gidduu jiru fakkeenya sanduuqa tarree moggaasni isaa "SanduuqaTarree1" mul'isa. Dhimma kana keessatti, "Maalimaa" galfata tarree unkaa keessatti mul'atan wixineessa.

Iyyaatoo HTML

Jaavaa Iskiriptii

Galfata gatii tarree too'annoo (Qabiyyee tarree)

Deetaa daddarbe


Hin Danda'amu

" "

Tarree galfataa mul'ataa("SanduuqaTarree1=Maalimaa")

<OPTION VALUE="Value">Maalimaa



Gatiin gara galfatatti ramadame("SanduuqaTarree1=Gatii")

<OPTION VALUE="">Maalimaa



Diraa duwwaa ("SanduuqaTarree1=")

Yaada ka'uumsaa gingilchaa

While designing your form, you can set the "Filter proposal" property for each text box in the Data tab of the corresponding Properties dialog. In subsequent searches in the filter mode, you can select from all information contained in these fields. The field content can then be selected using the AutoComplete function. Note, however, that this function requires a greater amount of memory space and time, especially when used in large databases and should therefore be used sparingly.

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