Ida'i / Gulaali

Wanta haaraa ida'a ykn wanta filatame Naannessaa Deetaa DhaniiwwanX keessatti gulaala. Wantoonni kunneen maalimoota, amaloota, dabarsa ykn jilteeffama ta'uu danda'u.

LibreOffice inserts a new item directly after the currently selected item in the Data Navigator. A new attribute is added to the currently selected element.


Maqaa wantaa galchi.

Sajoo Yaaddannoo

Maqaaleen amala gurmuu walfakkaataa waliin dirqama addaya ta'uu qaba.

Gatii durtii

Wanta filatameef gatii durtii galchi.


Amaloota wanta filatamee ifteessa.

Akaakuu deetaa

Akaakuu deetaa wanta filatameef fili.


Yoo wanti dirqamaan Dhangii X irratti hammatamuu qabu adda baasa.

The Condition button opens the Add Condition dialog where you can enter used namespaces and full XPath expressions.

Kan waliin deemu

Wanta akka waliin deemuun ibsa.

The Condition button opens the Add Condition dialog where you can enter used namespaces and full XPath expressions.


Wanta akka dirqamaatti ibsa.

The Condition button opens the Add Condition dialog where you can specify the constraint condition.


Maalima akka dubbisqofaatti ibsa.

The Condition button opens the Add Condition dialog where you can enter used namespaces and full XPath expressions.


Maalimni herreegamuu isaa ibsa.

The Condition button opens the Add Condition dialog where you can enter the calculation.

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