Ijaarsa Gingilchaa XML

Opens the XML Filter Settings dialog, where you can create, edit, delete, and test filters to import and to export XML files.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

From the menu bar:

Choose Tools - XML Filter Settings.

From the tabbed interface:

On the Tools menu of the Tools tab, choose XML Filter Settings.

Jechi gingilchaa XML kan armaan gadii keessatti akka qaxxaamuraatti ibsa caalaatti sirrii ta'eef akka Gingilchaa XSLT irratti hundaa'eetti fayyadu.

Haala dubbii



Afaan Jijqeeqata Dheertoo


Afaan Baallee Akkaataa Dheertoo


Jijjirraa Afaan Baallee Akkaataa Dheertoo. Faayilootni XSLT baalleewwan akkaataa jedhamunis ni waamamu.


Gingilchaan aleergii XHTML "XHTML 1.0 Jabaa" gataa'aa Barreessaaf, Calc, Fakkaasi, fi Toleessaa galmeewwanii.

Tarree gingilchaa

Select one or more filters, then click one of the buttons.

Tarreewwan maqaa fi gosa gingilchitoota ijaaraman agarsiisu.

  1. Gingilchicha filachuuf cuuqaasi.

  2. Gingilchitoota heddoo filachuuf, Shift-cuqaasi yookaan -cuqaasi.

  3. Gingilchaa gulaaluuf maqaa lama cuqaasi.


Opens a dialog with the name of a new filter.


Opens a dialog with the name of the selected file.

Yaalii XSLT

Opens a dialog with the name of the selected file.


Deletes the selected file after you confirm the dialog that follows.

Akka qarqabatti olkaa'i

Displays a Save as dialog to save the selected file as an XSLT filter package (*.jar).

Qarqaba bani

Displays an Open dialog to open a filter from an XSLT filter package (*.jar).


Displays the help page for this dialog.


Closes the dialog.

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