
Sets the formatting options for ordered or unordered lists. If you want, you can apply formatting to individual levels in the list hierarchy.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Choose Format - Bullets and Numbering.

Sadarkaa(lee) fooyyessuu barbaaddu fili, ittaansuudhaan dhangeessuu fayyadamuu barbaaddu ifteessi.


Sadarkaa(lee) dirqaalee dhaangessuu hiikuuf barbaadde fili. Sadarkaan filatame duraargii keessatti shoolameera.



Select a numbering scheme for the selected levels.



1, 2, 3, ...

Lakkoofsa biyya Arabiyaa

A, B, C, ...

Alphabetical numbering with uppercase letters A–Z
After item 26, numbering continues AA, AB, AC, ...

a, b, c, ...

Alphabetical numbering with lowercase letters a–z
After item 26, numbering continues aa, ab, ac, ...

I, II, III, ...

Lakkoofsoota Roomanota(qubee guguddaa)

i, ii, iii, ...

Lakkoofsoota Roomanota(qubee xixiqqaa)

1st, 2nd, 3rd, ...

Ordinal numerals

One, Two, Three, ...

Cardinal numerals

A,... AA,... AAA,...

Alphabetical numbering with uppercase letters A–Z
After item 26, numbering continues AA, BB, CC, ...

a,... aa,... aaa,...

Alphabetical numbering with lowercase letters a–z
After item 26, numbering continues aa, bb, cc, ...


Adds a character bullet to the beginning of a line. Select this option, use the Character style drop-down menu to choose the bullet character style, and then press the Select button to open the Special Characters dialog to choose the bullet character.


Rasaasaaf calaqqee agarsiisi. Dirqaalee kana fili, ittaansuudhaan faayila calaqqee fayyadamuu barbaadde kaa`uudhaaf Fili cuqaasi. Calaqqeen galmeetti ida`ameee argama.

Saxaatoo kornyate

Rasaasaaf calaqqee agarsiisi. Dirqaalee kana fili, ittaansuudhaan faayila calaqqee fayyadamuu barbaadde kaa`uudhaaf Fili cuqaasi. Calaqqeen akka geessituu calaqqee faayiliitti saagamee argama.


Does not apply a numbering scheme.

The availability of the following fields depends on the numbering scheme that you select in the Number box.


Sadarkaa ammeettif ka'uumsa lakkoofsa haara galchi.


Fuuldura lakkooofsa tarree keessaatti agarsiisuuf, arfii ykn barruu galchi.


Enter a character or the text to display behind the number in the list. If you want to create an ordered list that uses the style "1.)", enter ".)" in this box.

Dirqaalee saxaatoodhaaf:


Select the graphic, or locate the graphic file that you want to use as a bullet. Saxaatoo fili. ykn faayilii saxaatoo akka rasaasaatti fayyadamuu barbaadde kaa'i.


Saxaatoodhaaf hojjaa galchi.


Saxaatoodhaaf hojjaa galchi.

Qooda eegi

Wal madaaliinsa hammamtaan saxaatoo kabachiisa/eega/.


Hiriirfama dirqaalee saxaatoodhaaf fili.

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