LibreOffice 24.8 Help
Gabaajeewwanii fi walmakinsa qubee LibreOffice hin barbaadne ofumaan sirreessuuf murteessi.
Quxaaleen hiiktu qindaa'ina afaan ammee irratti hundaa'a. Yoo barbaadde, qindaa'ina afaan fi jijjiiruu ni dandeessa, afaan garagara Bakka bu'iinsaa fi quxaalee keessaa sanduuqa afaanif.
Afaan kan seeroota bakka bu'insaa uumuu ykn gulaaluu barbaade fili. LibreOffice jalqaba quxaaleef kan afaaniif qubannoo qarree ammeef galmee keessatti hikaman barbaada, ittaansuudhaan afaanota hafan barbaada.
Gabaajee tuqaadhaan hordofamu barreessi, ittaansuudhaan Haaraa cuqaasi. Kunis LibreOffice ofumaan qubee jalqabaa jecha tuqaan booda dhuma gabaa jetti dhufu akka qubee guuddaa hin taanee dhoowwaa.
Gabaajeewwan ofumaan hisirroofne tarreessa. Maalima fili ittiansuudhaan Haqi cuqaasi.
Type the word or abbreviation that starts with two capital letters or a small initial that you do not want LibreOffice to change to one initial capital. For example, enter PC to prevent LibreOffice from changing PC to Pc. Enter eBook to prevent an automatic change to Ebook.
Lists the words or abbreviations that start with two initial capitals or small initial that are not automatically corrected. All words which start with two capital letters or small initial are listed in the field. To remove an item from the list, select the item, and then click Delete.
Galfata ammee gara tarree quxaaleetti ida'a.
Adds autocorrected abbreviations or autocorrected words that start with two capital letters to the corresponding list of exceptions, if the autocorrection is immediately undone by pressing +Z.
This feature is relevant when the Capitalize first letter of every sentence option or the Correct TWo INitial CApitals option are selected in the [T] column on the Options tab of this dialog, and is enabled.