Bakka buusi

Gabatee bakka bu'iinsaa Ofumaan sirreessuudhaaf ykn jechoota bakka buusuu ykn gabaajee galmee kee keessaa gulaala.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Choose Tools - AutoCorrect Options - Replace tab.

Bakka bu'iinsaa fi quxaalee keessaa sanduuqa afaanif:

Afaan kan seeroota bakka bu'insaa uumuu ykn gulaaluu barbaade fili. LibreOffice jalqaba quxaaleef kan afaaniif qubannoo qarree ammeef galmee keessatti hikaman barbaada, ittaansuudhaan afaanota hafan barbaada.

Gabatee baklka bu'insaa

Lists the entries for automatically replacing words, abbreviations or word parts while you type. To add an entry, enter text in the Replace and With boxes, and then click New. To edit an entry, select it, change the text in the With box, and then click Replace. To delete an entry, select it, and then click Delete.

You can use the AutoCorrect feature to apply a specific character format to a word, abbreviation or a word part. Select the formatted text in your document, open this dialog, clear the Text only box, and then enter the text that you want to replace in the Replace box.


Enter the word, abbreviation or word part that you want to replace while you type.

The wildcard character sequence .* can match anything before or after the replace string. For example:


Autocorrected Result








To enter time values using the number pad, use the replace pattern .*...* and : as the replacement text. Now 10..30 is replaced automatically with 10:30.


Barruu bakka bu'iinsaa saxaatoo goodayyaa ykn wanta OLE sanduuqa Bakka buusii keessatti barruu bakka buusuubarbaaddee galchi. Barruu yoo filate jiraatte saxaatoo, goodayaa ykn wanta OLE galmee kee keessaa odeeffannoo gaariin duraan asitti galeera.

Barruu qofa

Galfata sanduuqa Waliin dhangeessuun alaa olkaa'a. Yeroo bakka bu'iinsi taasifame, barruun dhangii walfakkaatu akka barruu galmeetti fayyada.


Galfata ykn gabatee bakka bu'iinsaa ida'a ykn bakka buusa.


Maalimaa ykn maalimoota filataman dhugoomsa osoo hin barbaadiin haqa.

Dialog Buttons


Resets modified values back to the tab page previous values.


Closes dialog and discards all changes.


Saves all changes and closes dialog.

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