
Haalata filatameef dirqaalalee qindeessi.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Choose View - Styles - open context menu of an entry and choose New/Edit Style - Organizer tab.


Displays the name of the selected style. If you are creating or modifying a custom style, enter a name for the style. You cannot change the name of a predefined style.

Inherit from

Select an existing style (or - None -) to provide its definitions to the current style. Use the other tabs to modify the inherited style.


You cannot use this option with a page style or a list style.

Edit Style

Edit the properties of the parent style.


Haalata ammeetif akaakuu agrsiisa. Haalata haaraa yoo uumtu ykn haaromsitu, tarree irraa 'Haalata Maammiloo' fili.


Haalata durmurtaawaadhaf akaakuu jijjiiruu hin dandeessu.


Dhangeessuu sirri haalata ammee keessatti fayyadu ibsa.

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