Specify the position, scaling, rotation, and spacing for characters.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Choose Format - Character - Position tab.

Choose View - Styles - open context menu of an entry and click New/Edit Style - Alignment tab.

Jecha hundaa qaree qabate ykn barruu haaraa barreessituf jijjiiramni filannooammeef fayyada.


Jalarfii ykn irraarfii dirqaalota arfiileedhaaf qindeess.


Reduces the font size of the selected text and raises the text above the baseline.


Removes superscript or subscript formatting.


Reduces the font size of the selected text and lowers the text below the baseline.


Hammaati dabaluu barbaaddee ykn barruu filatame xiqqeessitu bu'uura ka'uumsaa waliin galchii dhibbeentaan tokko hojaa bocquu waltii dhufeenya qaban wal qixa.

Hammamtaa bocquu sadhaatawaa

Enter the amount by which you want to reduce the font size of the selected text.


Automatically sets the amount by which the selected text is raised or lowered in relation to the baseline.


Yabbuu safara

Enter the percentage of the font width by which to horizontally stretch or compress the selected text.

Addaan fageessuu

Addaan fageenya arfiileedhuunfaa gidduu jiru ifteessi.

Addaan fageessuu

Specifies the spacing between the characters of the selected text. Enter the amount by which you want to expand or condense the text in the spin button.


To increase the spacing, set a positive value; to reduce it, set a negative value.

Rukkina cimdii

Automatically adjust the character spacing for specific letter combinations.

Rukkinni qofti akaakuuwwan bocquu murta'ani jirreessaafi maxxansaan dirqala kana akka gargaaru barbaachisa.

Dirree Durargii

Displays a preview of the current selection.


Resets changes made to the current tab to those applicable when this dialog was opened.


Qaaqa osoo hin cufiin gatii foyyaa'e ykn filatame fayyadama.

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