Dhangeessuu fi bocquu fayyamuu barbaaddu ifteessi.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

From the sidebar:

Select the Styles deck, open context menu of a style, choose Edit Style - Font tab.

Jecha hundaa qaree qabate ykn barruu haaraa barreessituf jijjiiramni filannooammeef fayyada.

Qinda'ina afaan kee irratti hundaa'uudhaan dhaangeessuu akkaakuuwwan bocquu armaan gadiittif jijjiiruu ni dandeessa.


To enable support for complex text layout and Asian character sets, choose - Languages and Locales - General, and then select the Enabled box in the corresponding area.


Enter the name of an installed font that you want to use, or select a font from the list.

You can see the name of the fonts formatted in their respective font if you mark the Show preview of fonts field in LibreOffice - View in the Options dialog box.

Sajoo Kabala Dhangeessuu irratti:


Maqaa Bocquu


Gargaartota fayyadamuu barbaade fili.

Sajoo Kabala Dhangeessuu irratti:

Icon Bold


Icon Italic



Enter or select the font size that you want to apply. For scalable fonts, you can also enter decimal values.

If you are creating a style that is based on another style, you can enter a percentage value or a point value (for example, -2pt or +5pt).

Sajoo Kabala Dhangeessuu irratti:


Afaan too'ataan qubeeffannoo barruufilatameeef barreessituu qinddeessa. Muraawwan afaan jireessaa mallattoo fillannoo fuuldura isaanitti qabu.

If the language list consists of an editable combo box, you can enter a valid BCP 47 language tag if the language you want to assign is not available from the selectable list.

For language tag details please see the IETF language tag Wikipedia page and the W3C Language tags in HTML and XML article.


To'annoon qubee kan afaan filatamee yeroo gita muraa afaanii ijaarte qofa hojjeta. Galfatni afaanii of duraa mallattoo filannoo yoo to'annoon qubee afaan kanaaf kakaasame qaba.

Font Features

Select and apply font typographical features to characters.

Dirree Durargii

Displays a preview of the current selection.


Resets changes made to the current tab to those applicable when this dialog was opened.


Saves all changes and closes dialog.


Dhiisi cuqaasuun jijjiirama wrramee tokkolee osso olhinkaaiin qaaqa cufa.

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