LibreOffice 24.8 Help
Find terms that are similar to the Find text. Select this checkbox, and then click the Similarities button to define the similarity options.
For example, a similarity search can find words that differ from the Find text by two characters.
Ulaagaa murteessuudhaaf yoo jechii jechaa barbaachaattin walfakkaatuun hiika.
Enter the number of characters in the search term that can be exchanged. For example, if you specify 2 exchanged characters, "sweep" and "creep" are considered similar.
Baay'ina guddaa arfiilee kan jechi lakkoofsii arfiilee barbaachaa jecha keessaa caaluu danda'u galchi.
Baay'ina arfilee kan jecha barbaachaa irra xiqqaachuu danda'u galchi.
Jecha walmakinsa hundaa qindaa'ina barbaacha wal fkkaata walsimu barbaada.
Using Combine better meets a user's expectations from looking at the settings, but may return false positives. Not using Combine may match less than expected, but does not return false positives.
A Weighted Levenshtein Distance (WLD) algorithm is used. If Combine is not checked, then settings are treated as an exclusive-OR (strict WLD).If Combine is checked, then settings are treated as an inclusive-OR (relaxed WLD).
Be careful when using Replace All with Similarity Search. Best to be certain first about what will be found.