
Saves and organizes multiple versions of the current document in the same file. You can also open, delete and compare previous versions.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

From the menu bar:

Choose File - Versions.

From toolbars:

Icon Versions



If you save a copy of a file that contains version information (by choosing File - Save As), the version information is not saved with the file.

Fooyya'insa Haaraa

Dirqalaawwan fooyya'insa haaraa galmee qindeessi.

Fooyya'insa Haaraa Olkaa'a

Saves the current state of the document as a new version. If you want, you can also enter comments in the Insert Version Comment dialog before you save the new version.

Fooyya'insa Yaadaa Galchi

Enter a comment here when you are saving a new version. If you clicked Show to open this dialog, you cannot edit the comment.

Yoomiyyuu fooyya'insa olkaa'i yeroo cuftu.

Galmee kee irratti jijjiirraa yoo taasifte, LibreOffice fooyya'insa haaraa galmee yeroo cuftu ofumaan olkaa'a.

If you save the document manually, do not change the document after saving, and then close, no new version will be created.

Fooyya'insawwan Jiraataa

Fooyya'insawwan Jiraataa kan galmee ammee tarreessa, barrii fi sa'aatiin uumamaniiru, barressaa fi yaadawwan firoomsi.


Qaaqa cufee jijjiiramoota mara ol kaa'a.


Opens the selected version in a read-only window.


Yaada hundaa fooyya'insa filatameef agarsiisa.


Fooyya'insa filatamee haqa.

Waliin madaali

Compare the changes that were made in each version. If you want, you can Manage Changes.

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