Walii gala

Odeeffannoo bu'uuraa waa'ee faayilii ammee qabata.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Choose File - Properties - General tab.


Maqaa faayilii agarsiisa.


Akaakuu faayilii galmee ammeetiif agarsiisa.


Xurree fi maqaa galeeloo bakkaa fayiiliin itti kuufamu agarsiisa.


Hammamtaa galmee ammee baayitiidhaan agarsiisa.


Yeroo fayilli jalqaba olkaaa'ame, bara, sa'aatii fi barreessa agarsiisa.


Yeroo faayilli dhuma dhangii faayilii LibreOfficekeessaa ol kaa'ame bara, sa'aatii fi barreessaa agarsiisa.


Displays the template that was used to create the file.

Digitally signed

Baraa fi saa'atii yeroo faayilli dhuma mallatteeffame akkasumas maqaa barreessa galmee mallatteessee agarsiisa.

mallatttoowwan Lakqurxaawaa

Opens the Digital Signatures dialog where you can manage digital signatures for the current document.

Maxxanfama Maayii

Bara sa'aatii fi maqaa fayyadamaa yeroo faayilli dhumarra maxxanfame agarsiisa.


After printing, a document must be saved to preserve its Last printed data. No warning message is given about this, if an unsaved document is closed.

Ida'ama sa'aatii gulaallii

Displays the amount of time that the file has been open for editing since the file was created. The editing time is updated when you save the file.

Lakkoofsa Wayyeessaa

Lakkoofsa sa'aatii faayilliwwan faayilliittiolkaa'ame agarsiisa.

Deeta Fayyadamaa Fayyadami

Saves the user's full name with the file. You can edit the name by choosing - LibreOffice - User Data.

Reset Properties

Gulaallii sa'aatii zeerootti haaromsa, bara uumamaa gara baraammee fi sa'aatii lakkoofsa fooyya'aa gara 1 tti. Barooni fooyya'iinsa fi maxxanfamuu ni haqama

Save preview image with this document

Saves a thumbnail preview in PNG format inside the document. This image may be used by a file manager under certain conditions.


To disable generating thumbnails in general, choose - LibreOffice - Advanced. Click the Open Expert Configuration button, and search for GenerateThumbnail. If this property has the value true, then double-click on it to set its value to false.

Preferred resolution for images

Check this box to select the preferred image resolution in points per inch, which is used as default when an image is inserted into a Writer, Impress or a Draw document and resize it according to the value in the list box.

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