dhangiiwwan faayilii XML

Durtii dhaan, LibreOfficeniin faayiloota dhangiiwwan faayilii GalmeeBanuu keessatti fe'uu fi olkaa'uu.

Sajoo Yaaddannoo

The OpenDocument file format (ODF) is a standardized file format used by many software applications. You can find more information at the Wikipedia site: wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenDocument.

Maqoolee dhangiiwwan faayilii GalmeeBanuu

LibreOffice uses the following file formats:

Dhangii galmee

Dheertoo faayilii

Barruu ODF


Qajojii Barruu ODF


Galmee Hundataa ODF


ODF Master Document Template


Galmee HTML


Qajojii Galmee HTML


Waraqaadiriiroo ODF


Qajojii Waraqaadiriiroo ODF


Fakkasaa ODF


Qajojii fakkasaa ODF


Dhiheessa ODF


Qajojii dhiheessa ODF


Foormulaa ODF


Kuusdeetaa ODF


Dheertoo LibreOffice


Sajoo Yaaddannoo

Dhangiin HTML dhangii GalmeeBanuu tii miti.

Taattoon ODF maqaa dhangii faayilii taatoowwan kophaa dhaabbataniit. Dhangiin dheertoo *.odc wajjinii kun amma faayidaa kennaa hin jiru.

Evolution of the OpenDocument format

Dhangiin BarruunBani sa`atii irra darbaa ofkeessatti qabata.

ODF version

Date of standard approval by OASIS

First supporting version of the software

ODF 1.0


OpenOffice.org 1.1.5 or StarOffice 7

ODF 1.1


OpenOffice.org 2.2 or StarOffice 8 Update 4

ODF 1.2


OpenOffice.org 3, StarOffice 9, Oracle Open Office

ODF 1.2 Extended (compatibility mode)


LibreOffice 3.5

ODF 1.2 Extended


OpenOffice.org 3 or StarOffice 9

ODF 1.3


LibreOffice 7.0

ODF 1.3 Extended


LibreOffice 7.0

In current versions, you can select to save your documents using ODF 1.2 or ODF 1.0/1.1 (for backward compatibility). Choose - Load/Save - General and select the ODF format version.

Sajoo Qaxxee

If you want to define another file format as the default, choose - Load/Save - General to find alternative file formats for each LibreOffice document type.

Caasaa faayilii XML

Galmeewwan dhangii faayilii GalmeeBani keessatti akka furtuu wallitti qabamee faayilii XML ofkeessatti qabatuu olkaa`amu. Faayiloota XML kana ilaaluuf, faayilii GalmeeBani sagantaa hin qolofamneen banuu dandeessa. Faayilootnii fi galeelota kanneen armaan gadii Faayiloota GalmeeBani kassatti qabamu:

  1. Qabeentoon barruu galmee content.xml keessatti argama.

    By default, content.xml is stored without formatting elements like indentation or line breaks to minimize the time for saving and opening the document. The use of indentations and line breaks can be activated in the Expert configuration by setting the property /org.openoffice.Office.Common/Save/Document PrettyPrinting to true.

  2. Faayileen meta.xml galmee odeeffannoo meetaa qabaatu, Kan Faayilii - Amaloota jalatti saaguu dandeessa.

    Yoo galmee iggita wajjin olkeesse, meta.xml hin hicciteeffamne.

  3. Faayiliin settings.xmlodeeffannoo baay'ee waa'ee qindaa'inaa galmeef qabaata.

  4. In styles.xml, you find the styles applied to the document that can be seen in the Styles window.

  5. Faayiliin meta-inf/manifest.xml caasaa faayilii XML ibsa.

Faayiloonni fi ukaankonni dabalataa dhangii faayilii qarqaba keeessatti qabamuu danda'a.

Qindaa'ina dhangiiwwan XML

The schema for the OpenDocument formats can be found on the www.oasis-open.org web site.

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