Waa'ee Gingilchoota Alaaguu fi Alerguu

LibreOffice keessatti, dhangiilee XML isaatin alatti, dhangiilee XML alagaa hedduu banuu fi ol kaa'uu dandeessa.

Yeroo gosa faayilii ofiikeetin filattu qaaqaBani keessatti mandheewwan jiraachuu danda'u. Fakkeenyaaf, yoo gabatee kuusdeetaa dhangii barruuttin qabaatte kan immoo akka gabatee kuusdeetaatti banuu barbaaddu, erga faayilicha filatteen booda gosa faayilii "Barruu CVS" adda baasuun sirraa eegama.

BASIC Macros in Microsoft Office Documents

In - Load/Save - VBA Properties you can specify the settings for the VBA macro codes in MS Office documents. VBA macros are unable to run in LibreOffice; they must first be converted and adapted. Often you only want to use LibreOffice to change the visible content of a Word, Excel or PowerPoint file and then save the file again in Microsoft Office format without changing the macros they contain. You can set the behavior of LibreOffice as desired: Either the VBA macros are saved in commented form as a subroutine of LibreOffice and when the document is saved in MS Office format are written back correctly again, or you can select the Microsoft Office macros to be removed when loading. The last option is an effective protection against viruses within the Microsoft Office documents.

Yaadannoota dhangiiwwan alaa fi akaakuuwwan faayilii ilaalchisee

Yoo ijaaramuu baatan illee, calaltuuwwan tokko tokkoo qaaqota Bani and Olkaa'i keessatti filatamuu danda'u. Yoo calaltuu akkasii filatte, ergaan ni mul'ata jechuun amma calaltuu ijaaruu dandeessa yoo barbaadde.

Sajoo Qaxxee

Calaltuun Barruu Lakkaddaaye galmeewwan barruu bocquu lakkadda'uu biroo wajjin banuu fi olkaa'uuf si gargaara. Calaltuun qaaqa kan qindaa'ina arfii, bocqoota durtii, afaan fi citaa keewwataa filachuuf si dandeessisu bana.

Alaaguu fi Alerguu dhangiii HTML keessaa

LibreOffice Writerii wajjin, hubachiisa miiljalee fi ibsa dabalataa galmee HTML kee keessa saaguu dandeessa. Akka iyyosarmeetti alergamu. Hubachiisa miiljalee fi ibsa dabalataa akka geessituutti alergamu.

Arfii hin beekamne galmee HTML keessatti dabaluuf yaadannoowwan ni fayyada. Yadannoon hundi "HTML:..."n ka'uu fi ">"n xumuru akka lakkadda HTMLtti wal'aanama, garuu saxaxeessuu malee alergama. Iyyaatoowwan baay'een naannoo barruu "HTML:..." booda itti dabalamuu danda'u, arfoonni Maldan gara qindaa'ina arfii ANSI tti jijjiiramu. Yaadannoowwan yeroo alaaguu kalaqame(Fakkeenyaf, iyyosarmeef kan amaloota faayilii ykn iyyatoota hinbeekamne keessatti kutaa hin qabne).

Alaaguu HTML kan LibreOffice Writerii faayiloota lakkada arfii UTF-8 ykn UCS2 qaban dubisuuf dandeessisa. Arfoonni hundi kan qindaa'ina arfii ANSI keessatti argaman ykn kan sirna qindaa'ina arfii keessatti argaman mul'achuu danda'u.

When exporting to HTML, the character set selected in - Load/Save - HTML Compatibility is used. Characters not present there are written in a substitute form, which is displayed correctly in modern web browsers. When exporting such characters, you will receive an appropriate warning.

If, in - Load/Save - HTML Compatibility, you select Mozilla Firefox or LibreOffice Writer as the export option, upon export all important font attributes are exported as direct attributes (for example, text color, font size, bold, italic, and so on) in CSS1 styles. (CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets.) Importing is also carried out according to this standard.

The "font" property corresponds to Mozilla Firefox; that is, before the font size you can specify optional values for "font-style" (italic, none), "font-variant" (normal, small-caps) and "font-weight" (normal, bold).

If LibreOffice Writer are set as the export option, the sizes of the control field and their internal margins are exported as styles (print formats). CSS1 size properties are based on "width" and "height" values. The "Margin" property is used to set equal margins on all sides of the page. To allow different margins, the "Margin-Left", "Margin-Right", "Margin-Top" and "Margin-Bottom" properties are used.

The distances of graphics and Plug-Ins to the content can be set individually for export to LibreOffice Writer. If the top/bottom or right/left margin is set differently, the distances are exported in a "STYLE" option for the corresponding tag as CSS1 size properties "Margin-Top", "Margin-Bottom", "Margin-Left" and "Margin-Right".

Frames are supported with the use of CSS1 extensions for absolute positioned objects. This applies only to the export options Mozilla Firefox and LibreOffice Writer. Frames can be aligned as graphics, and Floating Frames, but character-linked frames are not possible.

Frames are exported as "<SPAN>" or "<DIV>" tags if they do not contain columns. If they do contain columns then they are exported as "<MULTICOL>".

The measurement unit set in LibreOffice is used for HTML export of CSS1 properties. The unit can be set separately for text and HTML documents under - LibreOffice Writer - General or - LibreOffice Writer/Web - View. The number of exported decimal places depends on the unit.


Maqaa Safartuu CSS1 keessaa

Lakkoofsa Olaantoo iddoowwan kurniyyee
















The LibreOffice Web page filter supports certain capabilities of CSS2. However, to use it, print layout export must be activated in - Load/Save - HTML Compatibility. Then, in HTML documents, besides the HTML Page Style, you can also use the styles "First page", "Left page" and "Right page". These styles should enable you to set different page sizes and margins for the first page and for right and left pages when printing.

Lakkaawwii Alaaguu fi Alerguu

If, in - Load/Save - HTML Compatibility, the export option "LibreOffice Writer" is selected, the indents of numberings are exported as "margin-left" CSS1 property in the STYLE attribute of the <OL> and <UL> tags. The property indicates the difference relative to the indent of the next higher level.

Galumsi keewwataa bitaan lakkaawwii keessattii akka amala CSS1 "madana-bitaa" tti agarsiisama. Galumsootni sarara - duraa lakkaawwii keessatti tuffatama akkasumas hin aloolamu.

Faayiloota Wardii Alaaguu fi Alerguu

Alaagi fi alergii LibreOffice kutaalee haqaman fakkeenyaaf, kan akka tarjaa wabii ta`ame, wabii ta`a. Foormulaan hundi yeroo hojii alergii ilaaluu fi wabiin akeektuu (#REF!) wabiidhaaf ofkeessatti qabatu haqamuu danda`a. #REF! walqixxummaan wabiidhaaf yeroo alaagi uumama.

Faayiloota Saxaatoo Alaaguu fi Alerguu

Akka Galmeewwan HTML waliin, gingilchaa wajjin ykn maalimaa (LibreOffice Impress) malee maqaa keessatti faayilii saxaatooLibreOffice filuu ni dandeessa. Yoo maalimaa (LibreOffice Impress) malee ta`e, faayiliin akka galmee fakkasaa LibreOfficetti banama. Ta`uu baanaan, faayiliin sagantaa fooyya'aa moofaan Toleessaa LibreOffice keessatti banama.

Yommuu faayilii EPS alaagdu, durargiin saxaatoo galmee keessatti mul'ata. Yoo durargiin hin argamne, iddooqni walitti dhufoo hammamtaa saxaatoo galmee keessatti mul'ata. Uniiksii fi foddaalee maayikroosooftii jalatti maxxansaa BarruuDuubbeen fayyadamuun faayilii alaagame maxxansuu dandeessa. yommuu saxaatolee EPS alerguu, duraargiin kalaqamee dhangii TIFF ykn EPSI qaba. yoo saxaatoon EPS saxaatolee biroo wajjin dhangii EPS keeessatti alergame achiin faayiliin kun ida'ama hin jijjiiramne faayilii haaraa keessatti.

Fuulli hedduu-TIFFs eyyamama yoo saxaatoleen dhangii TIFF keeessatti alaagame ykn alergame. Saxaatoleen akka tuuta fakkiiwwan tokko tokkoo faayilii baaqqee keessaa, fakkeenyaaf, fuulota tokko tokkoo faaksii akka turetti deebi'a.

Dirqaalee Fakkasa LibreOffice fi Impreessi LibreOffice Faayilii - Alergii keessa gahuu danda'a.


Galmee ykn saxatoo dhangii BarruuDeebee keessatti alerguuf:

  1. Yoo hanga ammaatti hojjaatamuu baate, Ooftuu maxxansaa BarruuDeebee ijaari, kan akka ooftuu BarreessaaLeezarii Apple.

  2. Galmee ajaja baafata File - Print wajjin maxxansi.

  3. Maxxansaa BarruuDirbaasii qaaqa keessaa filadhu itti aansuun sanduuqa filannoo Faayilii irratti maxxansi mallatteessi. BarruuDirbaasiin ni uumama.

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