Jibsoo Waliigalaa

Jibsoon kun ibsoota jechoota baay'ee barbaachisoo LibreOffice keessatti si mudatan qabata.

Jechoota hin beekne LibreOffice kamiyyuu keessatti agartu barbaaduuf jibsoo fayyadami.

Baafata Halqaraa

To activate the context menu of an object, first click the object with the mouse button to select it, and then, . Some context menus can be called even if the object has not been selected. Context menus are found just about everywhere in LibreOffice.


Gabaabbataa Lakkaddaa Durtii Ameerikaatiif Waljijjiirraa Odeeffannoof. ASCIIn tuuta arfii bocquulee koompiitara matayyaa irratti agarsiisuuf fayyada. Qubeewwan, lakkoosoota, ittisoo fi mallattoowwan dabalatee arfiilee 128 ofkeessatti qaba. Tuutni arfii dheertoo ASCII arfiilee 256 of keessatti qaba. Arfiin tokkoon tokkoo isaa lakkoofsa addaaf ramadama, lakkaddaa ASCII jedhamuun waamama.

Fuuloota HTML keessatti, arfiileen tuuta arfii biitii ASCII 7 irraa qofti mul'atu. Arfiileen biroon, kan akka qubeewwan Jarmanii, lakkaddaa fo'ameetin adda baafatamu. Dheertoo arfiilee lakkaddaa ASCII naquu dandeessa: gingilchaan alergii LibreOffice jijjiirraa barbaachisu raawwata.


DDEn "Dynamic Data Exchange" dhaaf dhaabbata, innis dursee OLEti, "Object Linking and Embedding". DDE waliin, wantootni wabii faayilii keessan qornyatu, garuu hin ida'aman.

Geessituu DDE uumuuf adeemsa armaan gadii fayyadamuu dandeessa: wardii Calc irraa man'eewwan filadhu, gara gabatee muraatti gargalchi itti aansuudhaan gara wardii biraatti ce'uun qaaqa Gulaali - Bayeessa Maxxansi filadhu.Akka walqabsiistu DDEtti qabeentota saaguuf filannoo Walqabsiistu fili. Yommuu walqabsiistuu kakaastu, ma`een bal`inaa saagame faayilii maddaa isaa irraa dubbisama.


Dhangeessuun teessuma argaa barruu hujeessa jechaa yookaan sagantaa DTP ilaallata. Kun immoo dhangii waraqaa, handaarawwan waraqaa, bocquulee fi galtee bocquu, akkasumas galuumsaa fi iddoo of keessatti qabata. Barruu kallachaan yookaan Haalataalee LibreOfficeiin kennaman waliin dhangeessuu dandeessa.


In a form document, a control must receive focus from the user in order to become active and perform its tasks. For example, users must give focus to a text box in order to enter text into it.

There are several ways to give focus to a control:

Furtuu dursaa

Furtuun dursaa akka adda baasaa addaa iddoowwan kuusdeetaatti tajaajila. Adda bahuun addaa iddoowwan kuus deetaa kuusdeetaa firoomaa keessatti, gabateewwan biroo keessatti deetaa bira gahuuf fayyada. Gabatee biraa irraa furtuu dursaaf wabiin uumame, furtuu alaa jedhamuun waamama.

Yoo LibreOffice keessatti, ajaja barbaachisaa irraantoo tarree baaafata halqaraa keessaa filachuun iddoo filatameef, argii saxaxaa gabatee keessatti furtuu dursaa qindeessita.


The External Links command is found in the Edit menu. The command can only be activated when at least one link is contained in the current document. When you insert a picture, for example, you can either insert the picture directly into the document or insert the picture as a link.

Yeroo wanti kallachaan galmee keessatti saagamu, hammamtaan galmichaa (yoo xiqqaate) hamma baayitoota wantaan dabala. Galmicha ol kaa'uu akkasumas kompitara biroo irratti banuu dandeessa, fi wanti saagame galmee keessatti qubannoo duraanii irra tura.

Yoo wanta akka geessituutti saagde, wabiin maqaa faayilii qofti saagama. Hammamtaan galmee kan dabalu danda'u xurree fi faayilii wabiitin qofa. Haata'u malee, yoo galmee kee kompitara biroo irratti bante, faayiliin qornyate qubannoo walfakkaatu irratti akkaataa wabiin kennametti wanta galmee keessatti ilaaluuf fayyada.

Use Edit - External Links to see which files are inserted as links. The links can be removed if required. This will break the link and insert the object directly.

Half-width and Full-width Characters

Half-width and full-width are properties used to differentiate characters used by some East Asian languages and scripts, mainly Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK).

The Han characters, Hiragana and Katakana characters, as well as Hangul characters used by these scripts are usually of square shape, and on fixed-width (monospace) display they occupy space of two Latin/ASCII characters. They are therefore called full-width characters, while the letters in Latin alphabet, digits, and punctuation marks included in ASCII character set are called half-width characters.

For historical reasons, a set of square-shaped Latin letters, digits, and punctuation marks are also defined and used in CJK typography, in addition to or in place of their half-width counterparts. They are called full-width forms. Similarly, there are also half-width forms of the usually full-width Katakanas and Hangul Jamos, and they have narrower shapes instead of square ones. A character's half-width and full-width forms are essentially two ways of writing the same character, just like uppercase and lowercase forms of Latin alphabet. LibreOffice supports conversion between half-width and full-width, as well as ignoring width difference when matching text strings.


Some windows in LibreOffice, for example the Styles window and the Navigator, are "dockable" windows. You can move these windows, re-size them or dock them to an edge. On each edge you can dock several windows on top of, or alongside each other; then, by moving the border lines, you can change the relative proportions of the windows.

To undock and re-dock, holding down the key, double-click a vacant area in the window. In the Styles window, you can also double-click a gray part of the window next to the icons, while you hold down the key.

Hidhuu (OfDhoksi)

Qarqara foddaa kamirrattuu bakka foddaan biroo irratti hidhame jiru irratti akka foddaa agarsiiftu yookaan dhoksitu qabduu si gargaaru agarta.

Hiikamtootaa fi Darbamtoota

Hiikamtootaa fi Darbamtootni jechoota bocquu seenaati, isaanis waggoota hedduuf hojiirra olaa turani. Hiikamaan sarara gabaabaa dhuma keewwataa irra jiru ibsa, kunis yeroo maxxanfamu, gubbaa fuula itti aanu irratti mul'ata. Darbamaan, faallaa isaatin, sarara jalqabaa keewwataa miljala fuula darbee irratti qofaan maxxanu dha. Galmee barruu LibreOffice keessatti wanti akkasii haalataa keewwataa barbaadame irratti akka hin mul'anne ofumaan dhorka. Yeroo kana dalagu, hamma sararoota gadee fuulicha irratti qabataman murteessuu dandeessa.


IMEiin bakka Gulaalaa Mala Naqaa bakka bu'a. Sagantaa fayyadamaan arfii waaltawaa hin taane gabatee cuqoo durtii fayyadamuun arfiiwwan xaxaa akka galchuu fayyadaan.


API walidhinsa kuusdeetaa Jaavaa (JDBC) gara kuus deetaa LibreOffice fayyadamuu dandeessa. Ooftootni JDBC afaan saganteessa Jaavaatin barreeffamu fi hujeeffannoo irratti kan hin hundoofne dha.

KuusDeetaa Firoomaa

Kuus deetaan firoomaa walitti qabama deetoota karaa seera qabeessaan gabatee keessatti qindaa'anii kan deetaan irraatii bira gahamuu danda'u ykn osoo gabateewwan kuus deetaa irraa fudhatamu hin gaafatiin karaa adda addaa walitti qabamuu danda'a.

Sirni bulchiinsa kuusdeetaa firoomaa (RDBMS) sagantaa akka ati kuusdeetaa firoomaa kee uumtu, haaroomsitu, fi bulchitu si dandeessisa. RDBMSiin himoota Afaan Gaaffii Caaseeffame (SQL) kan fayyadamaadhaan galfaman fudhata yookaan kan fayyadama sagantaa fi uumamtoota, hareeffamtoota, yookaan akka gara kuusdeetaa bira gaessu si dandeessisa.

Fakkeenyi gaarii kuusdeetaa firoomaa kuusdeetaa Maamila, Bittaa, fi gabateewwan kaffaltii waliin kennamuu danda'a. Gabatee kaffaltii keessatti, maamilli yookiin deetaa bittaa dhugaa ta'e hin jiru; garuu, gabatichi wabbiiwwan karaa geessaa firoomii yookaan firoomaa, gara maamila barbaachisutii fi gabateewwan bittaa (fakkeenyaaf, dirree ID maamilaa gabatee maamilaa irraa) of keessatti qabata.

Kuusdeetaa SQL / Kaadimaa SQL

Kuusdeetaan SQL sirna kuusdeetaa walqunama SQL filatu dha. Kuusdeetootni SQLii cimdaa maamila/kaadimaa kan maamiltootni hedduu kaadimaa gidduu bira gahan keessatti tajaajilu (fakkeenyaaf, kaadimaa SQL), kuusdeetoota kaadimaa SQL jedhamuun waamamu, yookaan gabaabaatti kaadimoota SQL jedhamu.

LibreOffice keessatti, kuusdeetoota SQL alaantoo walitti fidu dandeessa. Kun ammoo tari baxxee jabaa qe'ee akkasumas cimdaa irratti iddeeffamuu danda'a. Bira gahuun karaa ODBC, yookaan ooftuu qee'e gara LibreOfficetti dabalameen milkaa'a.

Numeral System

A numeral system is determined by the number of digits available for representing numbers. The decimal system, for instance is based on the ten digits (0..9), the binary system is based on the two digits 0 and 1, the hexadecimal system is based on 16 digits (0...9 and A...F).


Walqabinsi kuusdeetaa banaa (ODBC) aaloo fayyadamootni sirnoota kuusdeetaa bira gahaniif gargaaru dha. Afaan gaaffii fayyadu Afaan Gaaffii Caasawaa (SQL)ti. LibreOffice keessatti, tokko tokkoo kuusdeetaawwaniif akka ajajoota SQLii kaasuu barbaaddu adda baasi. Filannoon biraa ammoo, gaaffii kee cuqaasa hantuuteedhaan qindeessuuf akkasumas gara SQL tti LibreOffice ofumaan hiikame qabu fayyadamuu dandeessa.


Wanta Geessuu fi Idaatuu (OLE) wantootni gara galmee galteetti ykn galfamuu danda'u. Idaatiin gargalcha wantaa fi bal'ina sagantaa hundee galtee galmee keessa saaga. Yoo wanta gulaaluu barbaadde, wanta irratti lama cuqaasuun sagantaa hundee kaasuu dandeessa.

If an OLE object is linked to a target document, then the target document must be available in the location specified in the link. Deleting or moving the target document will make it impossible to open the linked OLE object. You can use the Save URLs relative to file system option in the General section of Load/Save Options to configure your system to save links relative to your filesystem.

Olkaa'insa Sadhatawaa fi Ofdanda'aa

In various dialogs (for example, Tools - AutoText) you can select whether you want to save files relatively or absolutely.

Yoo sadhatawaan olkaa'uu barbaadde, wabiin saaxatootti ida'amaa yookan wanta biraa galmee kee keessatti sadhatawa sirna argamsa faayiliitiin olkaa'ama. Haala kanaan, iddoo wabiin caasaa galeeloo itti kuufamu rakkoo hin qabu. Faayiliin akkataa iddootiin argama, haaluma wabiin ofaa yookan qabee tokko keessatti hafu. Kun barbaachisaa dha yoo galmee komputara birootiif jiraachifte kan walumaagalatti caasaa galeeloo garaagaraa irratti ofaa yookan maqaa qabee ta'eedha. Karaa birootiin kan gorfamu immoo olkaa'ina sadhatawaa yoo caasaa galeeloo Interneetii kaadhima irratti.

Yoo olkaa'a ofdanda'a filatte, ooftuu dhuufaa, qabeentaa ykn galeeloo hundee irratti hundaa'uun wabiiwwan faayiloota biroo hundi akka of danda'aatti qindeeffamu. Bu'aan kanaa galmeen wabiiwwan of keessatti qabate gara galeeloowwan yookaan ukaankaalee siqfamuu danda'a akkasumas faayidaa qabeessa ta'ee tura.


OpiinGLiin afaan saxaatoo 3-D bakka bu'a, kan jaqaba SGI (Silicon Graphics Inc) dhaan dagaagfame. Loqodootni afaan kanaa lama beekamoo dha: Maaykiroosooft opiinGL, kan fayyadama foddaawwan NT dhaaf dagaage, fi Koosmoo OpiinGL kan SGI dhaan uumame. Inni lammataa afaan saxaatoo of danda'aa hujeeffannoo hundaaf fi gosa kompitaraa hundaaf, maashinoota saxaatoo jajjabee 3-D hin qabne irrattis kan fayyadu, bakka bu'a.


Cimdaa Saxaatoo Harkee (PNG) dhangii faayilii saxaatooti. Faayilootni baay'ataa cafaqaa filatamaa ta'een cafaqamu, akkasumas, faallaa dhangii JPG dhaan, yeroo hunda faayilootni PNG osoo odeeffannoon hin hir'atiin cafaqamu.

Page line-spacing (register-true)

In LibreOffice, the register-true feature is called Page line-spacing.

Page line-spacing refers to the coincident imprint of the lines within a type area on the front and the back side of a page. The page line-spacing feature makes a page easier to read by preventing gray shadows from shining through between the lines of text. The page line-spacing term also refers to lines in adjacent text columns, where lines in different columns use the same vertical grid, thereby aligning them vertically with each other.

Page line-spacing printing is particularly useful for documents that will have two pages set next to each other (for example, in a book or brochure), for multi-column layouts, and for documents intended for double-sided printing.

Qabduu qaamii

  1. Akka hunka to'annootti, qaanxiin qabduu amaaloota dirree lakkoofsa, dirree sharafa, dirree guyyaaa, ykn dirree sa'atiiti. Yoo amlichiif spin bootoon hojeete dirricha mallattoolee cimdii irran gadee ykn dagaleen akkatan mul'isa .

  2. In the Basic IDE, a spin button is the name used for the numerical field together with the two arrow symbols.

You can type a numerical value into the field next to the spin button, or select the value with the Up Arrow or Down Arrow symbols on the spin button. On the keyboard you can press the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys to increase or reduce the value. You can press the Page Up and Page Down keys to set the maximum and minimum value.

If the field next to the spin button defines numerical values, you can also define a measurement unit, for example, 1 cm or 5 mm, 12 pt or 2".


Dhangii Barruu Badhaadhaa (RTF) dhangii faayilii jijjiirraa faayilii barrutiif gaamarameedha. Amalli adda isaa dhangiin kallatiidhaan gara barruu odeeffannoo dubbifamuutti jijjiirama. Akka tasaa ta'ee, dhangii cafaqoo faayilii birooti, kun yoo walbira qabame faayilii guddaa uuma.


Rukkina jechuun mul'annoo walii galaa barruu foyyeessuuf hamma iddoo qubeewwan lama gidduu jiru dabaluu fi hir'isuu jechuu dha.

Gabateewwan rukkinaa odeeffannoo qubootni lama bakka dabalataa barbaadan of keessatti qabata. Gabateewwan kunniin waliigalatti qaama bocquu ti.


Afaan Gaaffii Caaseffame (SQL) afaan gaafatawwan kuusdeetaa fayyadu dha. LibreOffice keessatti SQL yookaan hantuutee fayyadamuun gaafatawwan foormueessuu dandeessa.

Takkaan fi Akkaataan Dhangeessuu

A style is a set of formatting attributes, grouped and identified by a name (the style name). When you apply a style to an object, the object is formatted with the set of attributes of the style. Several objects of same nature can have the same style. As consequence, when you change the set of formatting attributes of the style, all objects associated with the style also change their formatting attributes accordingly. Use styles to uniformly format a large set of paragraphs, cells, and objects and better manage the formatting of documents.

When you do not use styles, and apply formatting attributes to parts of text directly, this is called Direct formatting (also called manual formatting). The formatting is applied only to the selected area of the document. If the document has several paragraphs, frames, or any other object, you apply direct formatting on each object. Direct formatting is available with the Format menu and with the Formatting toolbar.

A direct formatting attribute applied on a object overrides the corresponding attribute of the style applied to the object.

Teesumaa Barruu Xaxaa (CTL)

Afaanootni teessuma barruu xaxaa waliin garii yookaan hunda amaloota kana gadii qabaachuu danda'u:

Amma, LibreOfficeiin Hindi, Thai, Hebrew, fi Arabiffaa akka afaanoota CTLtti deeggara.

Enable CTL support using - Languages and Locales - General.


Wanti maalimaa argii deetaa of keessatti qabate dha. Deetaa fayyadamaa kan akka barruu yookaan saxaatoo ilaalachuu danda'a.

Wantootni of danda'oo dha akkasumas tokko tokkorratti dhiibbaa hin geesisan. Wanti kamiyyuu deetaa of keessatti qabu ajajoota gariiniif ramadamuu danda'u. Fakkeenyaaf, wanti saxaatoo ajajoota calaqqee gulaaluu fi ajajoota herreegaa wardii of keessaa qaba.

Wanta BĂ©zier

Herregduun Freench Pierre BĂ©zier dhaan dagaagfame, qonyoon BĂ©zier fayyadama saxaatoo gar lameen qonyoo herreegaan qindeeffame dha. Qonyoon kun qabxiiwwan afuuriin qindeeffama: qubannoo duraa fi qubannoo xumuraa, fi qabxiiwwan fo'aman lama. Wantootni BĂ©zier qabxiiwwan kana hantuuteedhaan siiqsuun fooyyeeffamuu danda'u.

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