Table Context Menus

The context menu of the table container offers various functions that apply to all database tables. To edit a particular table within the database, select the corresponding table and open its context menu.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

In a database file window, click the Tables icon.


Depending on the context, it is possible that not all the functions for your current database will be listed in the context menus. For example, the Relationships command for defining relationships between various tables is only available with relational databases.

Depending on the database system used, you will find the following entries on the context menus:


Wanta filatame hojii haaraa irratti banuuf Bani fayyadami.

If a table is open, there are several functions available to edit the data.


This command opens the Relation Design window, which allows you to define relationships between various database tables.

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