Kabala Dhangeessuu

Yeroo taattoon haalata guulaaluutti qindaa'u kaballi dhangeessuu ni mul'ata. Haalata guulaaluu galchuuf taattoo lama-cuqaasi. Haalata guulaaluu dhiisuuf taattoon alatti cuqaasi.

To'annaawwanii fi sajoowwan kabala dhangeessuu irraa fayyadamuun dhangii taattoo gulaaluu dandeessa.

Maalimaa Taattoo Filadhu

Maalimaa dhangeessuu barbaaddu taattoo keessaa filadhu. Maalimni durargii taattoo irratti filatama. Maalimaa filameef qaaqa amalootaa banuuf filannoo dhangii cuqaasi.

Filannoo Dhangii

Opens the properties dialog for the selected element.

Gosa Taattoo

Opens the Chart Type dialog.

Taattoo Gabatee Deetaa

Opens the Data Table dialog where you can edit the chart data.

Horizontal Grids

The Horizontal Grids icon on the Formatting bar toggles the visibility of the grid display for the Y axis.

Waayoo Bani/Dhaamsi

To show or hide a legend, click Legend On/Off on the Formatting bar.

Barruu Safaraa

Rescales the text in the chart when you change the size of the chart.

Teessuma Ofumaanii

Moves all chart elements to their default positions inside the current chart. This function does not alter the chart type or any other attributes other than the position of elements.

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