LibreOffice 25.2 Help
Siiqqota gara kutaatti sarara tarsaa moggaasuun jijjiiruu dandeessa. Kun ilaalcha taattoo fooyya'aa argachuuf eeyyama, irra caalattuu yommuu taattoo guddaatti fayyadamtu. Siilloon Y tarsaa buraalaa durtiittin kaka'a.
Siilloo akka tarsaa buraalaatti qindeessuf hiika.
Taattoo sarara tarsaa siilloo X ti ida'a.
The Vertical Grids icon on the Formatting bar toggles the visibility of the grid display for the X axis. It switches between the three states: no grid, major grid and both major and minor grids displayed. The change will affect check boxes in Insert - Grids.
Taattoo sarara tarsaa siilloo Y ti ida'a.
The Horizontal Grids icon on the Formatting bar toggles the visibility of the grid display for the Y axis. It switches between the three states: no grid, major grid and both major and minor grids displayed. The change will affect check boxes in Insert - Grids.
Taattoo sarara tarsaa siilloo Z ti ida'a. Filannoon kun kan dalagu yoo taattoo 3D hojjette qofa.
Siilloo hundaaf tarsaa mandhoo moggaasuuf bal'ina kana fayyadami. Siilloo tarsaa mandhootti moggaasuun fageenya tarsaa buraalaa gidduu jiru hir'isa.
Sarara tarsaa kan qoqoodama siilloo X gara kutaa xixxiqaati ida'a.
Sarara tarsaa kan qoqoodama siilloo Y gara kutaa xixxiqaati ida'a..
Sarara tarsaa kan qoqoodama siilloo Z gara kutaa xixxiqaati ida'a.. Filannoon kun kan dalagu yoo taattoo 3D hojjette qofa.