
Siiqqota gara kutaatti sarara tarsaa moggaasuun jijjiiruu dandeessa. Kun ilaalcha taattoo fooyya'aa argachuuf eeyyama, irra caalattuu yommuu taattoo guddaatti fayyadamtu. Siilloon Y tarsaa buraalaa durtiittin kaka'a.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Choose Insert - Grids (Charts)

Kabala dhangii irraa,

Icon Horizontal Grids

Horizontal Grids

Icon Vertical Grid

Vertical Grids

Tarsaa buraalaa

Siilloo akka tarsaa buraalaatti qindeessuf hiika.

Siilloo X

Taattoo sarara tarsaa siilloo X ti ida'a.

The Vertical Grids icon on the Formatting bar toggles the visibility of the grid display for the X axis. It switches between the three states: no grid, major grid and both major and minor grids displayed. The change will affect check boxes in Insert - Grids.

Icon Horizontal Grids

Horizontal Grids

Siilloo Y

Taattoo sarara tarsaa siilloo Y ti ida'a.

The Horizontal Grids icon on the Formatting bar toggles the visibility of the grid display for the Y axis. It switches between the three states: no grid, major grid and both major and minor grids displayed. The change will affect check boxes in Insert - Grids.

Icon Vertical Grids

Vertical Grids

Siilloo Z

Taattoo sarara tarsaa siilloo Z ti ida'a. Filannoon kun kan dalagu yoo taattoo 3D hojjette qofa.

Tarsaa mandhoo

Siilloo hundaaf tarsaa mandhoo moggaasuuf bal'ina kana fayyadami. Siilloo tarsaa mandhootti moggaasuun fageenya tarsaa buraalaa gidduu jiru hir'isa.

Siilloo X

Sarara tarsaa kan qoqoodama siilloo X gara kutaa xixxiqaati ida'a.

Siilloo Y

Sarara tarsaa kan qoqoodama siilloo Y gara kutaa xixxiqaati ida'a..

Siilloo Z

Sarara tarsaa kan qoqoodama siilloo Z gara kutaa xixxiqaati ida'a.. Filannoon kun kan dalagu yoo taattoo 3D hojjette qofa.

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