Kabala Barruu Dhangeessuu

The Text Formatting Bar that is displayed when the cursor is in a text object, such as a text box or a drawing object, contains formatting and alignment commands.

Maqaa Bocquu

Maqaa bocquu tarreerraa filuu ykn maqaa bocquu sududaan galchu sii hayyama.

Bocquuwwan hedduu buufatoota xinnaadhan qoodaman galchuu ni dandeesa.LibreOfficemaqoota bocquu tarreen dhufan fayyadama yoo bocquuwwan durtii argamuu baate


Maqaa Bocquu

Hammamtaa Bocquu Font Size

Hammamtaa bocquu gara garaa tarree irraa akka filattu ni heyyama ykn hammamtaa hujeekaa galchuuf.


Barruu filatame yabbuu taasisa. Yoo qareen jecha keessa jiraate, jechi marri yabbuu ta'a. Yoo filannoon ykn jechi yabbuu ta'ee argame, dhaangessuun ni haaqama.

Icon Bold



Barruu filatame mirgada taasisa. Yoo qareen jecha keessa jiraate, jechi marri mirgada ta'a. Yoo filannoon ykn jechi mirgada ta'ee argame, dhaangessuun ni haaqama.

Icon Italic



Underlines or removes underlining from the selected text.

Icon Underline


Halluu Bocquu

Click to apply the current font color to the selected characters. You can also click here, and then drag a selection to change the text color. Click the arrow next to the icon to open the Font color toolbar.

Icon Font Color

Halluu Bocquu

Iddina Sararaa: 1

Applies single line spacing to the current paragraph. This is the default setting.

Icon Line spacing: 1

Iddina sararaa: 1

Iddina Sararaa: 1.5

Sets the line spacing to 1.5 lines.

Icon Line spacing: 1.5

Iddina sararaa: 1.5

Iddina Sararaa: 2

Sets the line spacing to two lines.

Icon Line spacing: 2

Iddina sararaa: 2

Bitaa Hiriirsi

Keewwata gara bitaa mudana fuulaatti hiriirsa.

Icon Align Left

Bitaa Hirirsuu

Kan Wiirtaa'e

Qabeentoota keewwataa fuula irraa handhuuressa.

Icon Centered

Mirga Hiriirsi

keewwata gara mudana fuulla mirgaatti hiriirsa.

Icon Align Right

Mirga Hiriirsuu


keewwata gara bitaa fi mirga mudanoota fuulatti hiriirsa.

Icon Justified



Reduces the font size of the selected text and raises the text above the baseline.

Icon Superscript



Reduces the font size of the selected text and lowers the text below the baseline.

Icon Subscript



Bocaquu fi dhangeessuu bocquu arfilee filatamanif jijjiira.

Icon Character



Modifies the format of the current paragraph, such as indents and alignment.

Icon Paragraph


Gargaarsa Afaan Eeshiyaa

These commands can only be accessed after you enable support for Asian languages in - Languages and Locales - General.

Barruun bitaa irraa gara mirgaa ce'a

Specifies the horizontal direction of the text.

Icon Text direction from left to right

Kallattii barruu bitaa irraa gara mirgaa

Barruun gubbaa irraa gara jalaa ce'a

Specifies the vertical direction of the text.

Icon Text direction from top to bottom

Kallatti barruu gubbaa irraa gara jalaa

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